January 21st 2004 to January 21st 2016. This is what you call living straight in hell, 12 years now going on 13 something has got to give with me seriously it does. I'm done for and so is my mom. I want to move so bad it hurts, Arkansas just sickens me to the core. However I'm paralyzed financially because I'm NOT signing a DAMN thing until the police report is done right like it should have been done on March 24, 2015. This is a severe cover up this is nothing to joke about either, because of some punk ass kid and some punk ass crooked cops. I mean seriously it is a mind blowing cover up straight out of the twilight zone unheard of in 2016. I am NOT backing down or giving up. I hired a law firm and they cut their OWN client's throat (me) to protect the bad guys to wear me down so I will take any amount and starve me and my mother out in the process gotta love the scumbags in Arkansas. We are both financially broken. I loathe them dearly and they don't need to be in business. They jumped ship thinking they could get out of it but I think differently. I believe they can go down with the rest of them, when the time is right. Karma what goes around comes back around 10 times fold.
Family let's talk about this, it's mind blowing too. I've got such a mind blowing story to tell the world. Okay, now I can see the Arkansas state police part seriously I can it's there plain as day. What I don't understand when this individual is exiting soon, getting out, retiring. Why throw the weight around for some punk ass kids to remove the alcohol from the police report when they need to learn a lesson from it. What I mean is 'abuse of power.' Alcohol is serious, alcohol should not be dismissed at any given moment at any given time especially when it involves a wreck. Alcohol all over the wreck scene and I was told the smell was unbelievable very strong. You couldn't deny the alcohol it was there all over the road. Now the scumbags lawyers I hired are asshole buddies with the Arkansas state police and they are their attorneys needless to say. Let that sink in would you. Say the Arkansas state police needed a favor to be done to get the alcohol removed from the police report. The scumbags lawyers I hired, would cut my throat to save them in a New York minute without a doubt. That is straight up facts to be said. I hope I'm wrong on this one but throat cutting is a major factor in this wreck needless to say again it was my throat that got cut and I am the victim and I don't understand this at all. Someone that close to retirement and I am praying this person kept their nose out of it but who knows at this point in time. This is one senario however I have another senario, sad to say this one is even worse.
Senario 2, this is the mind blowing part. There are several here in this county runs to the rescue for some especially when it deals with wrecks and getting stuff removed off the police report, favor for a favor. What's sad about this it involves family too. I know some of my own family that do this for people. It's the good ole boy system at its finest. My throat got cut all away around with this wreck no doubt about it. This wreck was about the boys and the crooked cops saving them strip me from my rights where I couldn't voice my opinion on anything. So I couldn't say, hey this is NOT right the police report is wrong here, fix this please ASAP. Where did my rights go when the alcohol, reckless driving, speeding in a school zone disappeared from the police report and I want to know what happened. Alcohol is serious and the mentality here in Conway County Arkansas is out of this world with stupidity. Like my mom stated, if they could find a way to pin this wreck on me 100% they would do it. I had the right of way and I was minding my own business and I did NOT ask for this at all. She is blown away by the way they handled it. This is not fair and everybody can see it. Some punk ass kid decided to go past the stop sign at an intersection doing about 60-80 miles an hour he thought he could beat me to the punch he thought he had the timing down obviously he didn't. I was the unfortunate one that got hit and my car got totalled and my life got destroyed within minutes and my life is still destroyed to this day. This wreck was not my fault at all. However it's been about the boys no one else and that really pisses me off because I can't have no say in it. Then you have family that rescued the boys and threw me into the ditch to defend for myself over dirty political, police corruption give me a freaking break they can go to hell too. They helped to remove the alcohol off the police report. God doesn't like UGLY. Their day is coming, I grant you that. They are also good friends with the law firm imagine that. The law firm are asshole buddies in this scamming system they have going on here. Favor for a favor. Boy, I just had to pick shitty lawyers that cut their own clients throat for probably for a huge amount of money as a pay off too. Talking about pay offs. When my own lawyer stated, not one judge in Arkansas will NOT favor for me or my pictures that is high amounts of pay offs and corruption that rolled off his tongue at that moment. I have concrete evidence to bring the house down and I am being punished for it and I have family stabbing in my back because of it. That just sickens me and my mother. We are both ready to get the hell out of Arkansas as soon as possible.
I am the (bad guy) because I am standing up for my rights and I am calling them out on it. I am the very 1st person to do so in Conway County Arkansas and I am a WOMAN too let that sink in. I have concrete evidence and this is NOT going to slide. I've been told I have to move if I continue this to see who covered up this wreck in Conway County Arkansas. I will not be able to live here if I continue this on the Internet. I call that bullshit I'm NOT going anyhere, end of story until I see my police report is fixed and I am done right. I have been done wrong going on nearly a year. This was a serious cover up. My pictures saved my ass. If I didn't have nearly 40 pictures to prove that my police report was wrong and they done this on purpose they covered up the wreck to save the boys and punish me because of my book I wrote. I would be shit out of luck. I wouldn't have a prayer to stand on. I would have had to bite this and go on. I have pictures and pictures are worth more than a 1000 words. These pictures I have told the story of my wreck the true story of how it happened and that was a gift from God right there. There is a reason why they don't want the pictures in the court room. They will NOT win and who covered up the wreck will be exposed and that includes the law firm too because they took money don't let them fool ya. This is a severe cover up and I will expose the ones that covered it up too. I don't care if family is involved because they should have kept their DAMN noses out of it, PERIOD. People will lose their jobs and retirements especially state workers. This was a big no no and this is corruption and it will be addressed. Trust me. Mom and I are NOT going to let up on this, it's going to get worse trust me.
The Long Talk
I had a long talk with someone. They stated when the time comes and it will. This will turn out to be a power point meeting with some pretty powerful people to be exact. First they will start out with the police report, go through that, then they will go on to the pictures and then back to the police report (a heated discussion of a lot of Why's.) Then shots of your social media which it dates back to 2010 who knows who has your blogs from your MySpace days which that states back to 2007. They could surface back up who knows. Someone could have printed them off at the time. Then last but not the least your book you published in 2012 can't forget about that. In this present time, your police report, your pictures and the book cinch the deal as you stated before about corruption. They can't win in court that's why judges and Lawyers are paid off in Arkansas (before it is set into motion) so they will not favor for you. The pictures reveals the true story of the wreck. The police report is botched on purpose to simply to destroy you. The pictures shows up in the court room everyone involved is doomed so doomed. The unfolding will take place and the corruption will surface and everyone will know who done it. Tina, you have an unbelievable story to tell the world so does your mother. The law firm took part in this to dragged it out to wear you down basically to make you have a nervous breakdown. To starve you and your mom out in another words make you take anything and forget about the alcohol ever happened that day, they live back in the 1950's that's not good. Let me tell you right now, the law firm, will throw the Arkansas state police under the bus and Conway County Arkansas under the bus too. Yup, to save their own asses they sure will do it. They will cut their throats in a heartbeat. Conflict of interest put them in hot water with you, they knew better to take your case on anyways, instead they helped the bad guys out. They are in big time trouble for that trust me. If the law firm took part on the days you and your mother went to the FBI in Arkansas, asked for help and you got shut down there too because of them, they will have to answer for that too if that happened. This is a bad scam ring and this will be addressed because it can't go on and happen to another person another person after that. I don't think so, something has got to be done about it this time it can't continue to the next victim and it could turn out fatal too death is a serious factor. Say that you died in your wreck, the alcohol was nowhere on your police report. Your family wouldn't have got the full amount of money from your wreck (minus the alcohol) your family would have got scammed by corruption less money because alcohol wasn't added to the police report. Let that sink in. This case is going to be a civil lawyer's dream come true right here. The law firm was the ring leaders and they were the head honchos. They were the ones behind this cover up they took charge. It will all come out in the wash soon. A lot of firing, a lot of retirements will be taking away. These are grown people and they knew better. No one will feel sorry for them. They know RIGHT from WRONG.
Let's use the state police for an example. Say someone from the state police told those 2 state troopers NOT to put the alcohol and other things on the police report. The corruption started at that moment. That state police employee abused the power that was given to them. No matter how long they worked there and did this and that for the state police. Loss of job and loss of retirement because of 'abuse of power.' This goes straight down to Conway County Arkansas too. They will lose their job and retirement as well whoever is involved in this cover up. You commit a crime against the criminal justice system you got to be punished for it. See, they weren't expecting those pictures to show up and they did it surprised them big time, now everyone will have to pay the price the ones that done wrong with this wreck the ones who covered it up. I am very curious who is the mastermind behind this. I'm pretty sure I know who covered this wreck up just have to watch it unfold and wait.
The family
This is so sad. No one backed you up but your mother. Your children are still young and they don't fully understand this situation. Your mom your only supporter. You seen the true colors of everyone and that is a good thing too. It's their loss NOT yours or your mother's. They made the decision they took sides with the bad guys and they have to live with it now. Family divided but good times still remain never forget that Tina with or without them. This is a start of a new life that God gave you because you deserve it. Remember you are the winner they are the losers. They will miss out on a good woman that has been through hell and back took severe beatings for many many years still fought for her rights and never gave up. Your mom has the good reputation not them that needs to be stated. You came from good family. God will take care of them later on. Karma. Don't worry about family and friends that done you wrong. They will get theirs in the long run or in the end.
Let's talk about God.
God seen you in your darkest days and what you have been through over the years. He seen your struggle as child, as an adult. You never had a dogs chance to survive in Arkansas but you kept fighting through it and you fought hard. Go look in the mirror and look at your tattoo that says it all. Your tough Tina and he carried you through for a reason. You have an amazing story to tell the world. That's his gift to you. Tina's testimony in the making and he chose you to fight this battle. So many secrets will unfold in Conway County Arkansas. To certain ones that can't cross over will be able to cross over when their families receives justice like it should have been done long ago when it first happened. A lot of bad things have happened here in Conway County Arkansas. It's time for a clean up, they can't do this forever. Someone from the spiritual side has intervene in this I do believe. That's hard to explain if you're not fully spiritual and have the understandings. You are fully spiritual and you understand what is going on most don't though. What people should do is let this take place and leave well enough alone. You're right God doesn't like UGLY at all. God knows who has done right and who has done wrong and they will eventually have to pay the price. This is God's work and he's taking care of you and your mother in the meantime. He seen when you got scammed by Outskirts Press and he seen all the other stuff too. There's going to be a time a traditional publisher will come into the picture and make a deal with you. They will see a movie deal too. Your story is movie made material. They will get it started and there's another gift from God to you. He knows you trust him just let him do his job. He's got your back. Let this unfold as it should.
Now I know how the African American people feels being stripped from their civil rights. Not being able to voice their opinions on anything. I got a good dose of it and I have reached out to AL Sharpton too. They have took everything away from me but my freedom of speech and I will continue to do so on the Internet until me and my mother is heard. They will not take away that.
My mom's thoughts
My mom is so furious about this cover up and how it was handled. $25,000 pay out and I have $18,500 in medical. I haven't had a car since March 24, 2015. I have been off work almost a year. There's no money left for me to make my life whole again. She stated, alcohol all over the wreck scene. It's not on the police report at all and the ALCOHOL will NOT be swept under the rug like it didn't happen either the alcohol WILL NOT be dismissed these scumbags need to get over it. The police report looks like a fender bender nothing to it, the wreck was a war zone. Nearly 40 pictures that tells a different story tells the truth about the wreck and what had happened that afternoon. This wreck was covered up to destroy me and it destroyed my mom in the process. It will be a cold day in hell, Tina will NOT sign that check and the (alcohol not ACKNOWLEDGE at all talking about corruption.) The alcohol and the other things will be added to the police report and she doesn't give a rats ass if family is involved or not. Family should have kept their damn noses out it in the first place. They had NO business helping the scumbags to cover this wreck up (favor for a favor) This is wrong and it will be addressed to high profile officials to get the job done since the lawyers and judges are paid off in Arkansas so Tina can't win. It will be made right, end of story. She is freaking pissed off. The police report and pictures doesn't match and she wants to know why? I want to know why too. She's mad about it being about the boys 'the poor boys.' Tina is the victim and her civil rights have been violated smashed into the ground like she didn't have any her voice didn't matter. She is one pissed off lady over this wreck for sure. They turned the wreck around, the boys are the victims that disgusts her. Looked like Tina, caused the wreck and that infuriates her to the core. She's pissed off, I would advise anyone to take caution around her at the moment. She loathes the law firm she can't stand them at all professional scammers at their finest. They are shysters and they simply destroyed Tina's life on purpose for the scumbags that are involved in the cover up because they are attorneys for the state police and attorneys for this county also, they all worked hand in hand in this cover up and that includes her medical too. They don't need to be in business with their lying ways. They need to be disbarred and the Arkansas people should know what they have done to Tina. It's NOT my voice that the scumbags should worry about its my mom's voice. I can just see her on national television right now. I couldn't hold a candle to her she's that mad. My mom is not a liar she will not lie about this situation. She will tell it like it is on national television. Out of all the people in this she has the BEST reputation. Her reputation is off the charts.
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