October 4, 2022

Retaliation is the word you're looking for!

 Tina, with all the evidence you have, you have a lot. How come you can't walk up into a lawyers office in Arkansas hire a lawyer? You have the proof, why are you being denied a lawyer in Arkansas? Why are you getting help outside of Arkansas? You live in Arkansas, you should be able to hire a lawyer immediately. You shouldn't have any problems.

Oh baby, that's easy to answer!
Retaliation~if any lawyer in the state of Arkansas took my case they would be retaliated so bad they would have to move out of Arkansas. Retaliation was mentioned in a glassdoor review as I recall, I believe that 100%. Retaliation, who in the f**k gave these corrupted maggots that kind of power in the state of Arkansas to silence peoples voices. It was retaliation in 2018 for me. Stopping me from getting into court with my evidence. Put me in the Arkansas State Hospital to silence my voice! That's what happened to me. They put me down as incompetent and incapacitated so I can't go to trial. This is 100% organized crime, periodT! Someone in every direction to protect corrupted lawyers, judges, law enforcement, and politicians. I am speaking nothing but the truth. I have on documentation (emails) what some lawyers said to me and my family. They feared retaliation! They knew what would happen if they took my case.

This 2004-2005 paperwork that I have, I have proof that I went to trial on February 14, 2005! More less this is what happened to me.
These corrupted maggots erased my trial. Got rid of it. They closed out everything in 2004. They had it put down, my charges were dropped in 2004. They dropped the charges on December 17, 2004 to be exact! (I went to trial on 2-14-05 🤔) They shredded any type of paperwork to their needs. They erased everything from the computer files too!  They did this sometime between 2017 and 2018. I was arrested on March 16, 2018. They were moving and shaking to get me silenced, asap! I was told several times. The one who pressed charges on me in 2018, I was hurting his business and reputation. So they had to silenced me some way! They silenced me illegally. Falsely arrested and illegally put in the Arkansas State Hospital. Everything was based on my 2004 charges. Okay? I was cleared in 05! They couldn't get a direct threat. They used my 2004 charges instead! (Not guilty, mental defect in court March 2019, Arkansas State Hospital April 2019) Come on now, you have to directly threat a person or place with name! You have to show that on paper or prove it! Assuming doesn't hold up in court. Everyone was grasping at straws at this point. To silence me! End of story!

They made a grave mistake thinking I didn't have paperwork from 2004-2005. That's where they f**ked up at. These people think they are above the law and untouchable. They can retaliate on anyone in the state of Arkansas and get away with it. Who gave them this power? I need to know that answer, NOW! I am living the all American Horror Story in Arkansas. Let me tell ya, when I say I am in the depths of hell. I am buried alive in it.

My book, lets talk about that. I wrote a book about corruption. I wrote about what I have been through with a fictional ending tho. (My happy story) My happy story hasn't taken place yet. However I wrote about corruption and I got buried alive in corruption since 2015 (my wreck) to present date. Still buried alive in it. They retaliated on me in the worst kind of way. They found a way and a business to destroy my life. I hired this business to protect me NOT these corrupted f**kers. However that business got paid pretty damn good for destroying my life! 🤬 I am going to do book number 2, I will begin at 1990 this time. All my skeletons 💀 will be coming out the closet NOT one hanging when I get done. My character (me) you'll love me and hate me. No holds bar! I have a true story from the beginning to the end now. I was told now you will have a book/movie deal coming your way once this get into the public eye. How I am still living and breathing is sear amazement! You either get tough or die!

I am still standing in this present date. I am never ever going to let this go. I will NEVER put up with my 2004 charges being used in 2018, when I was cleared in 2005. It will be a f**king cold day in hell before I put up with that. The one who pressed charges on me in 2018 and all the ones that are involved in this corruption cover-up. They met their match when they destroyed my life. I'm a f**king warrior. I ain't budging nor backing down. Bring it on motherf**kers. I ain't going no where. I will close this business down. So the corrupted maggots that works there can't retaliate on another person in the state of Arkansas! I refuse to see another human beings life get stomped on like mine. It ain't happening. It stops at me!!!!

I probably helped the FBI out with my 2022 blogs. They have so many directions to go with this cluster f**k. I can't wait to talk to them either. I am ready to get down to business!

Let's talk about justice. I didn't received justice. Justice was taken away from me. However in due time, I'll will receive justice! Hands down!
Let me state this, the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 his (sidekick) his partner. He told me, sometimes you don't get justice, Tina. This is one of those times you'll never receive justice. Who blocked me from getting JUSTICE? I will find out in due time 😘 this was said in October 2015! This business blocks justice and I can prove it!

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