(((((On the note: the Arkansas State Police, Conway County AR and the law firm, EVERYONE that was involved in this cover up should surrender. They should admit to this cover up and make it right. I will fight this because I have proof that this wreck was a cover up and the police report was falsified I have solid proof and I can back it up. The Arkansas State Police knows that and that is why they haven't (defended) themselves. I have bashed everyone into the ground and they don't (defend) themselves that's a sure sign they are guilty because I have the concrete evidence in my hands there's a lot of lying going on. They can't (defend) themselves because I'm telling the truth. The law firm should definitely surrender because they don't need to destroy another life like they did mine. This law firm should be called out on TV they should be questioned. Why didn't you protect Tina Ann Graves on May 28th 2015 when she brought you solid proof of the alcohol? Why did you back the Arkansas State Police and Conway County Arkansas? How much did you get paid for saving their Butts? The law firm saved the insurance money too don't let them fool ya. These egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards should surrender to this cover up because they are NOT going to get away with it. Alcohol is serious and it shouldn't never be swept under the rug like it didn't happen, I could have died that day easily. These people need to own up to their wrong doings. That's a fact. Be an adult and do the right thing for once because they are caught end of story. The truth will come out and they need to be the ones to tell the truth to be honest.))))))
The driver's s insurance company sent me a letter that they were going to close out on my wreck in 30 days. They stated they haven't had any contact with me at all and I call that bullshit I know better. I have 3 years statue of limitations give me a break. The people that covered this wreck up is scared obviously. They want this closed and going lengths to do so.
I was told that the law firm was behind this letter because the quicker they close this case the safer the law firm will stay established not get touched because they are the gatekeepers so my concrete evidence my pictures and witnesses will never ever hit the court room. If my evidence gets placed into court, who covered this wreck up will get exposed immediately. Such as:
Few FBI agents
The law firm that I HIRED to REPRESENT me but that backed up the BAD GUYS instead.
Judge maybe 2 could be more
The 2 state troopers that falsified the police report however they got promoted to bigger better jobs after falsifying.
The sheriff
Conway County cops, County officials few of those people
A lot of residents of Conway County like parents and such
Basically the ones that are involved
The letter was a scare tactic and intimidation however that shit doesn't work with me. They should know that by now.
Well, I told the insurance company what I have done and who I contacted needless to say they got the hell off the phone real quick they didn't want to hear that at all. Yeah, I went over everybody's head with this cover up. I bet your sweet ass on that. I WILL sue everyone that is involved in this cover up too. My medical will be redone either on the east coast or west NOT in Arkansas. The pictures and witnesses will be in court end of story. The insurance company is in on this bullshit too. That's less pay out for them.
I was told to set up a video camera while I had my phone on speaker. So I could have a video of me talking to the insurance man because they are pulling all the stops on you to get this wreck thrown out so it will not go to court. I didn't talk to her type bullshit. They will pull that crap too trust me. The law firm they are trying to save their asses from getting caught in a huge cover up and among other things.
So I have a video of me talking to the insurance man while I had him on speaker phone. Cleaver idea by a cleaver man whoever this man is I owe you dude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
(So mom and I have been stomped into the fucking ground to nothing in the last 15 months going on 16 because of these egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards. I pray to God that I don't make the national news on bad terms because so much is in the news over political and police corruption as it is. I hope the big dogs step in and do something before I do because I have took enough bullshit from these maggot ass fucks that is real talk)
##### let this sink in, when mom and I presented those pictures and witnesses on May 28th 2015 we have took the most ultimate beating in this lifetime. I have solid proof that this was a cover up and people are lying. I am 42 she is 71. They had this wreck covered up from day one and the law firm have been protecting them and trying to pull all stops on me. I can't wait for this law firm to get called out and get exposed. Their logo, yeah right. STORM? They drowned me through my storm and laughed at me.#####
To the ones that are in on this alcohol cover up. I hope you lose everything like I have. I've lost it all. My credit is ruined. My life is completely destroyed. I hope most lose their retirements too. These people need the ultimate punishment for what they did to me and my mom. They need to feel our pain and our worry for once.
Oh BTW if I am crazy or I was lying, I would have been in the federal prison months ago. Date to date approximately 24 months. Let that sink in, I am far from crazy and these people know it, I would say I'm pretty damn smart. I am way smarter than the ones that covered this wreck up to be honest.
****you know makes me sick to my stomach****
I presented 30 plus pictures and my witnesses to the law firm and they didn't do a complete investigation they weren't going to. They were protecting the bad guys ones that covered this wreck up. They didn't protect me they protected the scumbags. This law firm are scum of the earth.
1) the 2 state troopers that falsified the police report FIRED!!!!
2) The sheriff because he headed off the cover up. FIRED
3) then take down the rest of the people who were involved expose ALL of them on TV for Arkansas and the world to see. Fire them all.
Me the victim got the worse punishment right along with my mother.
This law firm is a joke. This law firm is full of corruption.
***I have 30 plus pictures and witnesses and this particular law firm blocked my concrete evidence out of the courtroom in the state of Arkansas for the protection of the boys and their scholarships and most of all the book I wrote which I wrote about corruption within the good ole boy system. I wrote about the truth nothing but the truth and this nails it and seals the deal in my book about the corruption I wrote. This law firm should be shut down immediately***
When I look at that scumbag lawyer on their commercials then I look over at my mother and I have watched her go under financially. I have watched her life get destroyed too. I would love to put my hands around that lawyer's neck and squeeze every bit of life out of him. I wouldn't even blink an eye. That's how my anger and rage stands that's the level it's on. My life and mom's life completely destroyed over some punk ass kids and their scholarships and this wreck was NOT about them but the good ole boy system made it out that way. It was revenge over the book I wrote don't be fooled. This law firm should be called out on a public level. These scumbags should go down in the flames of hell for what they did.
If it was done right and the organized crime ring didn't have their hands on it. I should be living in New England right now not living in Arkansas fighting for my rights and trying to get my voice heard on a national level. I hate everyone that participated in this cover up and I will never be able to forgive them.
The law firm and their commercials that's false advertising to the Arkansas people. These people are egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards end of story.
This was a very simple personal injury case especially when the 30 plus pictures showed up. This should have been settled within 3 weeks from May 28th 2015 hands down. No, the law firm were part of the cover up and they added, judges sent the word out so the evidence wouldn't be brought into court. Then sent out a memo to all the lawyers about this case. Then you have to add the FBI in Arkansas too. All because of a book I wrote and I have people that don't want me living in Connecticut to begin with. I hope these people die a slow death I really do.
You know what is stupid about this cover up, I have proof that these egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards are LYING and my evidence is being blocked by a stupid ass law firm that I hired to represent me NOT them. Talk about ignorance is bliss in Arkansas and I see a lot of inbreeding going on especially among the law firm. Stupidity is running rapid with these untouchable attitudes no one can take us down mind set.
15 months of hell, that's exactly what mom and I have been living through. She's barely holding on and my life is completely destroyed over political and police corruption because of Conway County Arkansas because of the book I wrote. The 'good ole boy system' at its finest. Idealist Red Necks that is so true right there. My mom at 71 my ONLY supporter in Arkansas, her last days on earth are filled with corruption and scandal along with turmoil among the family. You know what? Someone WILL pay for this I promise. The family involved removing alcohol, speeding in a school zone and reckless driving off the police report, for the boys and their ridiculous scholarships. There's a special place in hell for you guys, trust me. I am going to make sure y'all get the fullest punishment because my mom did NOT deserve this at all. I am the target, NOT her, these egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards simply destroyed my life on purpose. I honestly think this wreck was covered up for revenge over my book NOT the boys nor their scholarships but they seen it and took it and use it as a ploy that's my opinion tho. I can see that happening too. This wreck was covered up over revenge because of my book it's there for the whole world to see and trust me they see it too. My tweets go around the world because I'm that global. I didn't build my social media up for nothing. I have been working on this since 2010 when I went on a mission and I have one hell of a fan base needless to say. I am an activist in the criminal justice system and the civil rights movement as well. All lives matter, end of story. Justice will prevail in the darkest hour I wholeheartedly believe that.
The law firm
The law firm shouldn't have taken my case to begin with. I did NOT know until months later that they were attorneys for the Arkansas State Police and Conway County Arkansas all their Police and their officials that was a low blow when I found that out. I seen that the law firm were protecting the bad guys that covered up my wreck since the law firm were their attorneys too they stopped me in my tracks and silence my voice from being heard in the state of Arkansas or anywhere to be exact. To me this law firm should be shut down immediately. They don't need to keep continuing to destroy other lives for their own benefits aka 'the good ole boy system' this law firm didn't get rich by winning cases this law firm got rich by underhanded bullshit. They keep stuff off the police reports and so on for favors when the need arise to do so. Protection, the law firm will tell the ones that are covering up stuff, don't worry we got this under control and no need to fret. That's exactly what they did to me. They buried me alive, with no car, no job, no money for 15 months. These lawyers are egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards that's the God's honest truth.
See what if someone dies next time and the alcohol gets covered up like it didn't happen. This is big time and this is serious. The family will get punished and not get a full pay out from the insurance company. This can't continue however I bet you in the past this has happened and it got covered up. I bet you the family didn't want to speak up either, afraid to they just dealt with a death. This is serious so serious not a laughing matter at all. In my case this was revenge on my book that I wrote.
Organized Crime Ring
The law firm this is who they control
The FBI in Arkansas, when people tries to get help they will automatically be shut down. No help there. The law firm covered that base for sure.
The judges and other lawyers,
Judges, when the name comes up because the main judge got paid, the others got a memo. When the evidence reaches the courtroom, the evidence will be thrown out immediately so the jury will NOT see it, they can't have a jury trial. That's the pure facts. Other lawyers will know NOT go against this law firm. It will be hard for the victim get a lawyer in the state of Arkansas. It happened to me.
Insurance companies, you betcha they help there too. Less pay out for the insurance company and the lawyers get a kick back saving their ass. Example, removing alcohol.
Medical professionals, those are the 'yes' people they put down what the lawyer's say not what they say or think. They make medical bills higher than what they are supposed to be. They all work hand in hand.
In my case, I was trying to tell the doctor something was wrong with me she wouldn't listen, she wasn't having it. All in my head type bullshit. For 15 months I have suffered from headaches, chest pain and numbness refuse to see a medical professional in Arkansas because I know that will get covered up too everything else has gotten covered up. I'm gun shy over this wreck.
The Arkansas state police the law firm protected the 2 state troopers that covered up my wreck and those 2 state troopers got promoted to bigger better jobs. They should have gotten fired on the spot for covering the wreck up that's the truth. This law firm saved them. This law firm is a joke.
Conway County Arkansas
This law firm is their attorneys too and they saved them NOT me their client. I am pretty much sure the law firm told the sheriff and everyone else involved don't worry about Tina we have shut her down in Arkansas her voice is silenced and it will remain that way. She can't get help no one will go against us don't worry.
I have 19 grand in medical on paper they say nothing is wrong with me. I call that bullshit they buried me alive through medical debt too. I am so traumatized by this and I have been living with pain for 15 months. I trust no one.
The law firm, the Arkansas State Police, Conway County AR buried me big time. These egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards sowed this wreck up before my police report went out. This was planned from the get go from day one the day it happened.
While they buried me, my mom took one hell of a beating as well. They buried her too. If my mom wasn't alive. I would be living on the streets because the law firm, the Arkansas State Police and Conway County Arkansas deliberately done this on purpose because of the book I wrote. I am the victim and I didn't cause this wreck but mom and I have paid the ultimate price for it. That's why I have used my social media like I have. To spread the word to bigger agencies that aren't afraid to take them down. No one is above the law.
So I'm NOT taking that settlement because I would have 6 grand left after 15 months of being off work and 15 months without a car. The law firm, the Arkansas State Police and Conway County Arkansas can take that settlement cram it sideways straight up their asses. 6 grand to make my life whole again, 15 months of hell, I don't think so. I will not sign off this wreck because it's allowing the alcohol to be swept under the rug and it will be a cold day in hell before that happens. Alcohol is serious and it shouldn't never been covered up to begin with. This is political and police corruption at its finest.
May 28, 2015
When I presented 30 plus pictures and my witnesses that the police lied on the police report and my wreck was a cover up the law firm should have done a complete investigation on the Arkansas State Police but they dropped me in October 2015. June 3rd I had leverage now Tina with those pictures. Which the pictures caught them off guard since they already helped with the cover up. So the law firm, Arkansas State Police and Conway County Arkansas got their heads together to starve me out so I will take anything but that didn't happen. October 28th when they dropped me they should have had an updated Police report to give to me with the alcohol, speeding in a school zone and reckless driving added to it because they said they would put those factors on the police report in the June 3rd meeting. The head lawyer stated it was illegal to leave off alcohol and it will be corrected and something would be done about it. They lied to me and my mother because they had NO intentions to add the alcohol because the cover up was a sowed up deal before the police report was written. Now the million dollar question, who are they doing this to at this moment in time as I type this. Leaving major factors off the police report for underhanded money. This law firm are liars and shysters something should be done about this immediately. This is no laughing matter. This is a crooked law firm full of corruption. The Arkansas people should know about this ASAP.
15 months later
NO car NO job NO money
I live with pain from my wreck because I didn't get the right medical treatment like I should have.
I live with high amounts of PTSD because I am traumatized and I had to watch my mother suffer right along with me that's devastating to watch and live with.
I have family involved in this cover up too. Those people are egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards as well.
When karma slaps, the law firm, the Arkansas State Police and Conway County Arkansas upside their heads.
I will have a big smile on my face and so will my mama. They will deserve every bit of their punishment coming their way and I hope they rot in hell for it too. I hope I get to have my say in court. I want to address some things to these egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards that's a fact. I got something to say to them straight to their faces.
New England
I have egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards that are keeping me from New England because they want me in Arkansas miserable and depressed. I'm going to fight my way to New England because that's my happy spot and I deserve to move there. My kids are grown and doing their thing. I have earned my move to New England and I should be able to move there. I was at peace with myself there. Tranquility and solitude thrives there with me. I was just happy the first time in my life just happy. I was moving there last June but my world turned upside down and this wreck was not my fault at all however I got blamed for it by the law firm, the Arkansas State Police and Conway County Arkansas. They knew I was happy in New England and they smashed that too. I hope and pray that I am in New England soon very soon because I need a break in life. I deserve peace in my life. The east coast is my coast and I want to live there until I die.
I will live alone until the day I die too.
My mom did NOT deserve this kind of punishment in her last year's of living and these egotistical maniac liars despicable gutless cowards will pay for it dearly believe me they will.
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