September 17, 2011

September 17th 2010 TO September 17th 2011 30 BLOGS 1 Year =)

It has been a year, since I went on a mission to get these fktards off my back. It has been quiet around me now somewhat I still have a lot of nosiness going on. It has had its moments to be exact. When I started this I was, not backing down by no means, it very well made me have a mental meltdown for sure; however I was standing my ground. I meant business, it was just a simple in the beginning, ‘just leave me alone’ that is all that had to take place but no, I had to go through hell. I wonder if it was worth it because it has landed on the World Wide Web. I will get my story out that is a promise I can keep. I hope that ‘Karma’ zaps my 2nd X-husband and his stupid ass brother; I hope she cuts loose on them like no other. All due in respect, these people deserves every bit of punishment that comes their way. As far as the law dogs here, I thought that was cute when they sent underage kids (males) to the house to buy alcohol for them and oh I can’t forget about the underage kids (males) around my daughter’s age, to see if I will sleep with them, oh how sick and twisted was that? People should think about the mentality around here it’s slim to none. I am like, ‘really’ I don’t think so, however nice try bitches, when the sh*t hits the fan, I will be sure to talk about this. It does not matter how much I stay off to myself, but every dog has their day and I will make sure the cops that has f**ked me over will get what is coming to them and that is a promise I can keep as well. Now, NOT all the cops are bad, these cops know who they are and they know what they have done. Helping these low lives out has landed them in trouble needless to say. I am proud of myself to get this out on the net. Since I have gotten my point across, I will be closing this out on my part; September 17th 2010 to September 17th 2011 is done. I will bust out a blog if I need too if they start back up. Now I will have a year to do short stories of different occurrences. Like the Wal-Mart parking lot and Killed Front of my Daughters. Names and places will be with-held. However I will get my point across. Here’s to the next chapter in my life.

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