October 14, 2022

Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm and Conway County is a JOKE!

UPDATE  👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Let me state this, right here and right now! These people that are behind this corrupted mess. The ones that are involved in this cover up. (Organized crime) why I was placed in the Arkansas State Hospital obviously to silence my voice. The state hospital made me out to be incapacitated and incompetent. Why? So I can't go to trial. Plus, like the FBI, the governor, the attorney general the list goes on. They wouldn't listen to what I am saying because they have it on paper, I am not fit to speak. They would automatically side in with the Arkansas State Hospital. The top dogs wouldn't give me any time of the day to talk to anyone. My voice is 100% silenced by the state of Arkansas. I can 100% prove this in court! This is about protecting a business and a county. I can 100% prove this in court.

However, I have every piece of paperwork from 2004-2005. Thank God! They can't get out of this at all. This is where the corrupted maggots will have to tell the truth nothing but the truth. When I say I have Arkansas by the balls. I 100% have them in a position where the truth will have to come out. Why isn't my 2004-2005 paperwork at the court house? It's gone! Why? I should be able to drive to the court house and request copies any time I want. That paperwork should be safe and secure. Why did they destroy government property? An internal investigation should be placed on this court house and this business. Tons and tons of corruption resides there at both places! My blogs I have done this year all 7 of them tells the truth nothing but the truth. Why are these people allowed to do this to the Arkansas citizens? When the citizen goes for help. These corrupted maggots retaliate on the ones who wants to help them. Why is this being allowed in Arkansas? Why are people's voices being silenced, when they have the truth in their hands? I can prove everything in court. I am put down as incompetent and incapacitated! What a joke Arkansas is 🤬


I had someone to hit my DMs! However I got the picture tho. Idk if it's a he/she a worker from the court house or former. However they had to tell me something. It's common knowledge that paperwork gets destroyed at this particular court house! In my case, they got rid of the paperwork for the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. This was deliberately done! That person told me from 2004-2017. They KNEW or thought, I didn't have any kind of paperwork, 13 years span, they figured they were in the clear and they proceeded to get rid of the trial/paperwork. This person told me it's normal that they get rid of anything they want in this particular court house! I ask this person, why do they do this to people? They told me this goes straight to the top, when paperwork needs to disappear it disappears forever. They do it because they can! They have been doing this the last 70 plus years in this county. This person told me they are so happy that I kept every piece of paperwork from 2004-2005. They said, something will happen now, something will be done. This person agreed that an internal investigation should take place not just the court house. The whole county. I totally agreed with this person. I will in due time, I will get on 4, 7, 11, and 16. The Arkansas citizens need to be educated on this situation and how important it is to keep court documentation. Because they NEVER know if their paperwork will be destroyed like mine. (That's a NO NO, when you work at a court house, don't destroy government property) If they have copies they can prove it. Something will be done with this situation for sure, trust me. The Arkansas State Hospital allows this type of behavior. Yup, a lot of bribery going on! That psychiatrist that diagnosed me with delusional disorder persecutory type, psychosis and schizophrenia. I am going to make sure she does 20 years in prison. That means she is put in place to protect the corrupted. Well, it's going to stop at me! I have been told her diagnosis will NEVER hold up in court. My paperwork from 2-17-04 to 3-1-22. My social media from 2007-2022, well present date at that time when the sh*t goes down. 18 years of paperwork going on 19. I can prove what I am saying. I'm NOT delusional at all! I can 100% prove what I am talking about in court.


Psychological trauma caused by Arkansas

You can say Arkansas has caused me a lot of grief and psychological trauma over the years. I hate Arkansas to the core. This stems back just wanting out of a marriage because I wasn't happy anymore in January of 2004. The hell that I have been through and the hell that I am still going through in 2022. All uncalled for! Shouldn't have happened in the first place!

When I reflect back, that it's going to be 19 years in 2023. It will be 20 years in 2024. When will my pain and suffering end??? All I wanted was a normal life! It just makes me sick to my stomach that I can't find a common ground for safety and security in the state of Arkansas. I just want to be happy again. I want to feel safe in my environment no worries! I have a lot of distrust towards law enforcement and the criminal justice system because they protect the criminals NOT the victim. The Arkansas criminal justice system can straight up kiss my a$$! That's how I feel about that. I'll be 50 in 2024. 20 years I have lost and can't get back. A lot of missed opportunities. I can't get none of that back. Abuse of power, untouchable attitudes, above the law mindset, thugs that's all they are just thugs, ruining people's lives, being protected by the state of Arkansas! Why was I dealt these cards in life and I didn't ask for it? All I wanted was to be left alone. It's mind blowing what I have been through and I can't get help in Arkansas but out of Arkansas, it's no problem to get help there. Something is wrong with this picture! The Arkansas State Hospital that place should be shut down! I'll get into that later on.

You have this well known business that I hired to protect me in 2015. They protected 5 underage boys that was in possession of ALCOHOL and those boys have been drinking all day (instead of, protecting me) When those boys get into court in due time they will talk about that day. That's a given. This business helped a county out to destroy my life because of the book I wrote. I can prove all of this in court 100% hands down!  The state of Arkansas is protecting this business too! Imagine that 🤔 they advertise to no end. That's why I hired them because of commercials and awards. Then later on I was told the commercials are like a bait and switch. It depends on the last name if they will help you or not. The awards they are bought and paid for to make them look good in the public eye. The charity work they do it's like (smoke and mirrors) it's all for show ONLY to lure people in. I was told they are nothing but ambulance chasers. Their business is a joke and nightmare to work at. The reason this business had me placed in the Arkansas State Hospital was to silence me. If I was on the news, former employees would come forward and there would be former clients that they have screwed over in the past to come forward too. The dirty secrets of this business would spill out into the public eye. The 2 partners that run the business they don't want that to happen at all. The business would crumble like a cookie within seconds. If I landed on the news their reputations would be destroyed immediately!
A former employee told me when she heard that I had all my paperwork from 2004-2005. She knew I could expose them to the fullest now! She reached out to me anonymously because the 2 partners retaliated on her so bad. She said, she will come forward when she has a safety net, with them being exposed in the public eye they would be afraid to do anything to her or anybody. I respect her for that! Here the state of Arkansas is protecting criminals at this business. I can 100% prove that in court. This business knows I can shut them down. Something will be done, I will never ever let this go!

Oh let's talk about the Arkansas State Hospital, boy, that's a doozie right there! The state hospital needs a deep cleaning to clean out the maggots that protect people like this business I am in conflict with. Anyone that are working at the Arkansas State Hospital and they are protecting these corrupted maggots. They need to be fired on the spot. The employees taking (bribes) to destroy people's lives to make their lives better! They should never be able to work at a state job ever again.

The Arkansas State Hospital gave me body dysmorphia, I will say this in court fully say it without hesitation!
Okay, I have worked at the state hospital via contract agency. I have been a patient for 2 months 2 days. I've seen both sides. I have seen people in there that shouldn't be and I have seen people in there that should be. I've seen people in zombie state of mind and they looked 6 months pregnant both men and women. However they weren't pregnant. The psychological trauma I went through for 2 months 2 days is unforgivable. I was too (high functioning) for that place. I stood out. Silencing my voice so a business and the 2 partners couldn't get into trouble or exposed. Give me a f**king break Arkansas, do better! I am mentally messed up over this. I can't talk about that tho! This story is going to be all in the news in due time. I want to educate people and show them what the state of Arkansas can do to people by silencing their voices.  I have a jaw dropping story and it will be told! I promise you that!

Have you ever watched The Silence of the Lambs? Remember that one scene, where that woman was in that well. She was trying to get Precious down there with her, hold her for hostage. When she was whistling for her. She was struggling to whistle. That's how I feel. I am f**king tired but she was fighting her way out of that well. I am fighting my way out of this situation to get it exposed. No matter how tired I am. If there is a will there's a way. Never give up! This is a good analogy 👏

If you're going through hell, keep going.

Winston Churchill

October 4, 2022

Retaliation is the word you're looking for!

 Tina, with all the evidence you have, you have a lot. How come you can't walk up into a lawyers office in Arkansas hire a lawyer? You have the proof, why are you being denied a lawyer in Arkansas? Why are you getting help outside of Arkansas? You live in Arkansas, you should be able to hire a lawyer immediately. You shouldn't have any problems.

Oh baby, that's easy to answer!
Retaliation~if any lawyer in the state of Arkansas took my case they would be retaliated so bad they would have to move out of Arkansas. Retaliation was mentioned in a glassdoor review as I recall, I believe that 100%. Retaliation, who in the f**k gave these corrupted maggots that kind of power in the state of Arkansas to silence peoples voices. It was retaliation in 2018 for me. Stopping me from getting into court with my evidence. Put me in the Arkansas State Hospital to silence my voice! That's what happened to me. They put me down as incompetent and incapacitated so I can't go to trial. This is 100% organized crime, periodT! Someone in every direction to protect corrupted lawyers, judges, law enforcement, and politicians. I am speaking nothing but the truth. I have on documentation (emails) what some lawyers said to me and my family. They feared retaliation! They knew what would happen if they took my case.

This 2004-2005 paperwork that I have, I have proof that I went to trial on February 14, 2005! More less this is what happened to me.
These corrupted maggots erased my trial. Got rid of it. They closed out everything in 2004. They had it put down, my charges were dropped in 2004. They dropped the charges on December 17, 2004 to be exact! (I went to trial on 2-14-05 🤔) They shredded any type of paperwork to their needs. They erased everything from the computer files too!  They did this sometime between 2017 and 2018. I was arrested on March 16, 2018. They were moving and shaking to get me silenced, asap! I was told several times. The one who pressed charges on me in 2018, I was hurting his business and reputation. So they had to silenced me some way! They silenced me illegally. Falsely arrested and illegally put in the Arkansas State Hospital. Everything was based on my 2004 charges. Okay? I was cleared in 05! They couldn't get a direct threat. They used my 2004 charges instead! (Not guilty, mental defect in court March 2019, Arkansas State Hospital April 2019) Come on now, you have to directly threat a person or place with name! You have to show that on paper or prove it! Assuming doesn't hold up in court. Everyone was grasping at straws at this point. To silence me! End of story!

They made a grave mistake thinking I didn't have paperwork from 2004-2005. That's where they f**ked up at. These people think they are above the law and untouchable. They can retaliate on anyone in the state of Arkansas and get away with it. Who gave them this power? I need to know that answer, NOW! I am living the all American Horror Story in Arkansas. Let me tell ya, when I say I am in the depths of hell. I am buried alive in it.

My book, lets talk about that. I wrote a book about corruption. I wrote about what I have been through with a fictional ending tho. (My happy story) My happy story hasn't taken place yet. However I wrote about corruption and I got buried alive in corruption since 2015 (my wreck) to present date. Still buried alive in it. They retaliated on me in the worst kind of way. They found a way and a business to destroy my life. I hired this business to protect me NOT these corrupted f**kers. However that business got paid pretty damn good for destroying my life! 🤬 I am going to do book number 2, I will begin at 1990 this time. All my skeletons 💀 will be coming out the closet NOT one hanging when I get done. My character (me) you'll love me and hate me. No holds bar! I have a true story from the beginning to the end now. I was told now you will have a book/movie deal coming your way once this get into the public eye. How I am still living and breathing is sear amazement! You either get tough or die!

I am still standing in this present date. I am never ever going to let this go. I will NEVER put up with my 2004 charges being used in 2018, when I was cleared in 2005. It will be a f**king cold day in hell before I put up with that. The one who pressed charges on me in 2018 and all the ones that are involved in this corruption cover-up. They met their match when they destroyed my life. I'm a f**king warrior. I ain't budging nor backing down. Bring it on motherf**kers. I ain't going no where. I will close this business down. So the corrupted maggots that works there can't retaliate on another person in the state of Arkansas! I refuse to see another human beings life get stomped on like mine. It ain't happening. It stops at me!!!!

I probably helped the FBI out with my 2022 blogs. They have so many directions to go with this cluster f**k. I can't wait to talk to them either. I am ready to get down to business!

Let's talk about justice. I didn't received justice. Justice was taken away from me. However in due time, I'll will receive justice! Hands down!
Let me state this, the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 his (sidekick) his partner. He told me, sometimes you don't get justice, Tina. This is one of those times you'll never receive justice. Who blocked me from getting JUSTICE? I will find out in due time 😘 this was said in October 2015! This business blocks justice and I can prove it!

September 27, 2022

2022~I'll NEVER be silenced again!

 How do I cope with all the corruption that surrounds me?

My dogs, Hannah Mae and Henry. I just got a 2nd dog this year. Those dogs depend on me like I depend on them. I have 2 miniature poodles. They calm me down when my anxiety is high. Let me state this right now. They are my best therapists EVER. Animals love you unconditionally. They are there for you when your are down and out. Most of all, they save you. Especially when you want to end your life. We don't deserve animals to be honest. My dogs are my life saver! My kids are grown and gone. I don't have any grandchildren at the moment. I got 3 grand-dogs! I prefer dogs over humans any day of the week. Hannah and Henry, I start my day with them and end my day with them. They are the reason I get out of bed and a reason to live. If I didn't have them. I would stay in bed all the time. I would get out of the house when needed (appointments only) I am surrounded by so much corruption. It really weighs me down sometimes. I don't want to get into a dark place again, not in this lifetime. My dogs are my savior! I love them so much. They keep me pushing on. They keep me in a happy space ☺️ while I fight this bullsh*t!

As of 2022, it's a joke it has ALWAYS been a joke since June of 2019. I can 100% prove that in court. I should have been able to talk about whatever I need to talk about in the beginning. It is what it is until I get this corrupted situation in court. When the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 controlling the situation makes me sick. He is still calling the shots in the present time! The Arkansas State Hospital is a complete joke to be honest. I will get on national television say it in due time. This is one great big sh*t show when it comes to therapy. I am telling nothing but the truth. Everyone that is investigating this situation right now knows I am telling the truth. Therapy is a sh*t show. The Arkansas State Hospital is protecting a lot of people that's an understatement! I can 100% prove it! I should be able to get the right therapy without the corruption involved!

The article:
Why I am hell bent on the article? It will play a big part in court. When my paperwork (2004-2005) came into the picture the article disappeared without a trace like my 2005 trial did. The one who pressed charges on me in 2018 had it removed. Because it linked backed to his business. See, he had that article number one online since this happened in 2018. Another form of punishment for me. He thinks he's above the law and untouchable. He was hell bent to ruin my life and he ruined it too. Now since my 2004-2005 paperwork came into the picture, I proved there is a lot more corruption that surrounds me now. My paperwork from 2-17-04 to 3-1-22 is going to ruin a lot of people's lives. When it gets into court. This is a great big operation of organized crime. I can prove this in court 100%
Like I stated before, if this punk a$$ bitch a$$ corrupted maggot was 'oh so scared' how come he didn't put this on 4, 7, 11, and 16 in Arkansas. How come I didn't make the news? The corrupted maggot and his business does charity work on every station. Let me say this right now, that is all for show. To look good in the public eye, ONLY!  4, 7, 11 and 16, shouldn't get on TV say they will help out Arkansas citizens when they don't. They take orders instead! Turn around don't help people like they should, in my case they took orders (not to help me) I reached out to them, they didn't help me at all. I have all the emails to prove it. I was told because of the charity work they do for the news stations, $1000 award. The news station will side in with the business no matter what kind of evidence I had. So therefore the news stations is on his payroll too. It just makes me want to vomit! False advertising at its finest in Arkansas. The news stations in Arkansas should be called out on this as well. Be held accountable! I have proof (my emails) that I reached out to the news stations.

(I was just on one outlet, he made me out the bad guy there?)  I want to hear the reason in court from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette on that one. Now, I am hell bent to ruin his life and shut down his business. What's good for the goose is good for the gander so they say! So therefore that article will come down, when I say so. I might leave it up. Just to show the world what I been through in the state of Arkansas. I am pretty sure that the Arkansas FBI had the article put back online. They KNOW this will play a big part in court too. They are NOT dumb!

I read some reviews from Glassdoor and Indeed, I am so glad former employees are stating the truth about their awards. Like I said all along, bought and paid for. Best of the best, that's a gawd damn lie right there. They are shedding money to buy those awards! To make themselves look good! These people are weasels and snakes 🐍 they need the best of the best snake and weasel award! They need to be truthful to the state of Arkansas citizens! Quit being so fake! People should look at the lowest reviews on every review websites especially Google. That speaks volumes! You know what is FUNNY is that current employees doing reviews. I wonder how much money they are getting for that? Employee reviews should be given, when they leave the job NOT current employees. That's scammish to make the business look good. I said what I said!

Trauma and PTSD:

One thing I am having is flashbacks of the most traumatizing time of my life. I hate it here. I loathe what I was put through in 2004-2005. Being spun back in that time period absolutely makes me sick to my stomach. The audacity of this punk a$$ bi*tch a$$ corrupted maggot do this to my life and ruin it like he did. My justice was taken away so an organized crime ring couldn't be brought to light more less exposed. So these punks and a business destroyed my life. GTFOH!
Anyone that is working at this business aren't good people. They are trash, I said what I said. They are no good. They represent corruption, end of story. People should report any type of corruption being done especially illegal stuff at a workplace. Someone's life is being destroyed on false pretense. Report it! If the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 trying to blacklist you or ruin your life. Take a stance, be heard. Don't let that punk a$$ bitch a$$ corrupted maggot entrap you. Stand up for your rights. Take notes from me 🙂 they retaliated on me, not thinking this out thoroughly. It takes a real stupid person to think I didn't have paperwork from 2004-2005! Very dumb on their part! They need a dumb a$$ award for that one!

January 21, 2004:
18 years going on 19, years I can't get back. Years taken away from me in the name of corruption. Abuse of power, above the law and untouchable attitudes. Every one will KNOW my story in due time! Because I will never let this go! I WILL NOT be silenced. I WILL BE heard! This stops at me. I don't want no one else to go through what I have been through. This is pure hell pure torture very traumatizing!!!

Let me NOTE this: my life changed, June 17, 2021. That's when I found out that my 2004-2005 paperwork, 2004 charges were used in 2018 by Brad. My 2005 trial disappeared without a trace! Let me say this, he was happy to get copies of my 2004-2005 paperwork! Especially a copy of my statement on paper from my February 14, 2005 trial that disappeared. That made his day. I am the only person in Arkansas that has that information. He told me everything and what he was investigating. He's NOT with the FBI! He can get the FBI involved, tho 😏 a lot of corruption surrounds me. I've changed over this. I am NOT a people person anymore. I loathe people because of my trust issues. Especially the Arkansas State Hospital, how many people have they done this too? Protecting the corrupted? I will NEVER put with that sh*t! Never! This information changed me it changed me 100% I am NOT the same person after June 17, 2021. I will never ever put up with this corruption NOT in this lifetime!

Well, I was single from 2004 to 2014
2014, I got into a relationship. In 2015, my wreck happened, the corruption that surrounds my life destroys everything that comes in my path. I finally got the courage to get back into dating & relationships. Then boom my life sunk into the depths of hell. The universe is telling me to stay single. That's what I am going to do from now on. I felt pain in 2015 💔 finally I found someone. He was nearly 1200 miles away. I was was moving to New England, just 10 weeks away. I had my wreck lost everything in life unfortunately. Least I was happy even though it was short lived. I rather have that than nothing at all. He's happy, I wish him and his girlfriend nothing but the best. I wish them nothing but pure happiness, periodT. As far as me. I have a dark cloud over me and I don't think it's going away! The cards that life has delt me, purgatory where I landed! I must have done something really bad in my past lifetime, seriously! I stay off to myself. Just me and my dogs. I'm good 👍 I will never step back into the relationship hood ever again. 7 years single going 8 😶‍🌫️ it is what it is! Why step back into a relationship when it's going to be taken away from me? I rather save myself from that heartache just be single.

September 16, 2022

Welcome to my sh*t-show, that's what it is 🙄

Okay, let's talk about therapy. See, the Arkansas State Hospital got me on the tele-health bullsh*t. No direct contact like face to face appointments. Computer or phone ONLY! How come I can't go into a therapist office sit down and talk about my problems. See, I have paperwork I can show a therapist what I am talking about. However, most of all, when my anxiety level starts going up. I can pace and talk at the same time! (you know get it all out of my system) Like a normal person should be able to! How come I'm restricted from to seeing a therapist face to face? Oh that's right, the Arkansas State Hospital is protecting the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. They do have me down as incompetent and incapacitated. How dumb are these people, pretty damn dumb IMO!

I am stating nothing but the facts baby.
I should be able to walk up into a therapist office start talking. Most of all my paperwork let's talk about my missing paperwork from 2004-2005 from a court house. I could show a therapist directly my paperwork. He/she could see this corruption up close and personal. The state of ARKANSAS silenced my voice 100%. To protect corrupted maggots those maggots need to be in prison (asap) So, they can't do this to someone else! Real talk 💯

See, I should have been able to talk about all this in 2019 in the beginning to start with. The Arkansas State Hospital diagnosed me as delusional disorder persecutory type! It's all inside my head none of it is real. People are out to get me bullsh*t! Oh yeah, psychosis & schizophrenia let's not forget about that! I wish I could sit down with that sorry a$$ b*tch that diagnosed me 2019 in 2022. One thing she can't get out of, she protected the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. She can't get out of that at all. She should do 20 years in prison! I want to slide my statement that I made on February 17, 2004 to her. When my ex and his cousin burned trash above my trailer. My ex trying to burn me out of my home. I want to ask her, is my dad delusional too? He went through the trash found mail with an address on it! Come on now, do better! I just wonder how many patients she done this to? Silence people for the corrupted! My parents would love to know that answer too!
My court connect shows the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 is protected 100% it's very obvious to see when you read it!

I have f**ked everybody's plans up, when my 2004-2005 paperwork came into the picture. Everyone that has covered up and helped the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 is in a sh*t ton of trouble. This is public corruption with a program involved. People should have known that I had paperwork! That was very stupid of them thinking otherwise! Sorry you can't get your evidence in court however you will be taken care of every month for the rest of you life, Tina. Why is Arkansas allowed to put out commercials to turn in public corruption? When they don't do a gawd damn thing about it, when you do turn it in! The state of ARKANSAS protects the corrupted! Why?

I turned this in, in 2017. I got a letter she couldn't do anything about it. Why? Oh that's right, everyone involved in this organized crime ring can't get caught. You know there's a person in place in every direction to protect corrupted lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers and politicians when needed. The list goes on. I wonder how many people's lives in Arkansas have been ruined like mine! I bet tens of thousands. Hey, since you can't get that evidence in court. Here's a monthly compensation to take care of you as long as you're alive. What kind of f**king bullsh*t is that? All you need to do is go to court, go to trial, get a settlement, go on about your f**king life NOT be tied down to the f**king government. Wtf, I swear Arkansas sucks a$$! Don't move to Arkansas, don't even visit!
One thing I know I am in the right about this situation! There's NOT one soul wants to talk about this with me and my parents that speaks volumes on so many levels in 2022. Innocent people would come forward immediately. Guilty people dodges you like you have the f**king plague! The reason why the Arkansas State Hospital put me down as incompetent and incapacitated because they are helping the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 so I can't go to trial. She's crazy she doesn't know what she's talking about (all in her head bullsh*t) Oh baby, I will do just fine on the stand, trust me. Only thing I have to work on is my f**king cussing. Scare tactics and intimidation doesn't work either. The state of ARKANSAS created me starting in 2004 to present date, I have become a zero tolerance to bullsh*t person in life. In my situation, you either get tough or you f**king die. In 2022, I ain't going to budge. I am going to be like my dad in court in 2005. I ain't going nowhere until I get a statement on paper, then we'll leave. I am going to make sure nothing comes back on, Tina.

Me 2022, I ain't stopping until I get a jury trial win this b*tch once again like I did in 2005. Bring it on b*tches! When I step back into court, I'm going to win, b-a-b-y!

I started blogging back on August 22, 2022. I think the reason I started blogging in 2007 that was my therapy. I couldn't sit down to talk to someone. I began to heal myself. I lost my blogs from 2007-2008 on my MySpace page. I had a hacker delete my page in 2008. However, I learned last June my blogs were printed of by someone at that time. He turned them over. I hope I get copies of those blogs one day. Blogging is very therapeutic or cathartic. YouTube is great too. I will be jumping back on YouTube soon.

I have been silenced by the state of Arkansas. I am NOT backing down from this. Someone is going to explain to me, why my 2004-2005 paperwork isn't at this court house? What happened to my February 14, 2005 trial? Why was these charges used in 2018? When I was cleared in 2005. Someone is going to sit down with me and parents explain this cluster f**k. I am NOT going to let this go until this is fixed correctly by the law. I am going to turn one of my social media platforms into creator content soon very soon. I have paperwork from 2-17-04 to 3-1-22 and why is this paperwork blocked 🚫 out of court? I need answers to some serious questions immediately! I am NOT backing down nor going away! Something will be done!

Let me note this, EVERYONE stepped into a BIG pile of sh*t, when they used my 2004 charges. They couldn't get an actual direct threat. Assuming doesn't hold up in court, you have to have that person's name and the actual direct threat behind it or that business with the name behind it. Either or you have to show (direct threat) you got to have concrete evidence for court! They couldn't get that concrete evidence so therefore they used my 2004 charges (I was cleared of those charges) behind my back. (NOT GUILTY, MENTAL DEFECT, that landed me into the Arkansas State Hospital illegally) I wasn't aware of this. I could have saved everyone a headache in 2018. The very first public defender should have said something. This is ALL about protecting the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. When I showed my paperwork from 2004-2005 in 2021 nothing wasn't done about it with the Arkansas State Hospital. I knew then this was organized crime. I done a blog a long time ago about that. No one can't get out of this cluster f*ck. This is where the finger pointing and the blame game will start. This was so stupid on everyone's part thinking I didn't have paperwork. Karma is going to be sweet to see on this one! I have one hell of story to tell the whole wide world now! You only see this type of sh*t in movies NOT in real life. I am going to blow this out the water too! I have concrete evidence solid proof for court! They f**ked up big time when they used my 2004 charges. Oh, this will be cleaned up by the state of Arkansas for sure.

September 11, 2022

Let's talk about 2004-2005 🤬

 Let's talk about 2004-2005, let's do a time-line since Arkansas wants to slap me back into that time span! I won't go into deep detail because of my trauma. However, you'll get the picture.

January 21, 2004. My husband at that time decided to move out. I was life fine, but you won't be moving back in. He said, we'll see about that.

(Note: we had a very TOXIC relationship/marriage. He moved out all the time. If I didn't let him come back home he would get the cops after me. Let's say, the good Ole boy system)

On my 30th birthday. Yup, he moved out on my birthday. I visited my dad, and I seen my mom. The kids were at their dad's because it was his week. When I left my mom's house. I noticed the county DEA helicopter flying by. Where I lived at on the mountain that was common knowledge with the DEA. I didn't think nothing of it at first. I got back home. I had that gut feeling. So, I looked out of my son's bedroom window. I seen what my ex had done. I knew this was his doings. I was so exhausted. I had to make sure he didn't take any of my stuff. The house was a mess. I looked out the window again. I said, f**k this sh*t. I secured the windows and the doors. I took 21/2 Tylenol PMs went to bed around 8. I'll deal with this sh*t tomorrow.

The next day, I found out a lot of stuff. I knew my ex brother in law was an informant. I didn't know my soon to be ex husband was one. That kinda shocked me.
Both of them told the county DEA. I was manufacturing and distributing, using m3th. I was so mad I couldn't see straight. In the upcoming months from January 04 to November of 05. I was dodging traps like a boss. I mean it was a traumatic time in my life. I was a prisoner of my own home. I got home before dark and I left out after daylight. It was some pretty scary times.

January 04 to August 04.

One time, I had a woman break down front of my place. She wouldn't leave. Well, I had enough. I am NOT going into details however I interrogated her in the end. Let me say this. The county DEA sent her to my house. Oh, when I cleaned my house up. She left her foodstamp card with her pin number on a piece of paper beside it. I laughed so hard. I called the number on the back and canceled it. These idiots thought I would use it. Inbred motherf**kers.

I had a crazy lady to come over all the time. My ex's friend. She was a doozie! Yeah, she would never leave either. So aggravating! Let me say this, I flushed about a pound maybe more of m3th in the year and 10 months of hell, I was living through. I had a spray bottle half water half bleach on hand all the time. When they left here came the dumping, literally! Here, I came with the cleaning.

(Note: me and my 1st ex husband the kids daddy. He had them for a week and I them for a week. The week I had them no problems. When I took them back to him. I came back home, it made me sick to my stomach. All hell would break loose. I always dread them leaving because I knew what I was up against. My fear and anxiety would set in)

Okay, one time, a woman brought a trailer full of junk. That's what it was, junk. She backed the trailer in she just left. Well, someone that lived on the mountain. My ex's cousin to be exact. One day he came down. He told me he would buy everything on the trailer. I looked at him, I can't sell that. That's NOT my stuff. Then he left. Then the husband of the woman who left the junk there come through. He came out of that truck cussing me out. I didn't know him. He had a county cop with him. I looked at both of them. I said, you can take that junk and get the f**k off my property. The cop just glared at me. They left. I found out they were trying to get a theft by receiving charge on me.

They tormented me in my backyard, front yard. The both sides of the trailer. My ex would NOT give me my keys back to the car. Oh, about 3 o clock in the morning he would use the panic button on the car. Open and slam the doors. It was pure chaos when I didn't have the kids. My ex brother in law got hold of a pair of night visions. The ones with 2 little 'red' dots on them.  You could clearly see it. I hated those night visions!
Those laser lights things that cats played with. Yeah, they tormented me with that too. I had to get a ADT system set up. I needed protection! All because I wouldn't take him back. He made my life a nightmare. F**king a$$hole!

June 2004: my nerves gotten so bad at this point my mom had me to stay at my brothers in Denver, Colorado for 2 weeks so I could rest. Well, before I left. I had my son's birthday party. I went to the store to get more drinks. At this store, they kept a scanner on. I went into the store. I heard on the scanner that the suspect with a silver dodge neon has entered the building. I am the only one in the parking lot with that description of the car. That made me so mad, I couldn't see straight. The county cops, the county DEA can straight up kiss my a$$! That was so uncalled for!

Let's talk about August 5, 2004. I went to court got my divorce decree that day. I changed my last name back to my kids last name. I was so relieved when I got my divorce. I didn't want any part of him whatsoever. Okay, oh about midnight on the 6th. I'm NOT going into detail. I was s*xually assaulted. I am going to leave it like that.

Okay, I was still tormented afterwards. It didn't stop. It only got worse on me.

(Note: he had a girlfriend while he was doing this to me. He would tear up Jack in one county then go to another to hide. She was so stupid and naive. He made it out like it was me that was causing the trouble. It was me that was chasing him. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. She got pregnant. I was like this will stop now. Boy, I was wrong it got worse a lot worse. I would NOT take him back. He s*xually assaulted me, that's a NO all by itself. However, that kid could never be brought around my dad, for numerous reasons. I am NOT discussing that at all)

September 04 to February 05.

Terroristic threatening charge and hate crime charge came into the picture. She (the girlfriend) was the one that put the charges on me. At the fall festival at school. My kids were there. I DID NOT do such a thing. I got arrested, put in jail in December. To this day, I don't know where she lives at. However on the police report I drove by there several times. There's going to be special place in hell for her for sure. So therefore I got my phone records printed off, 12 months worth. I proved that he was the one that was contacting me. He was tormenting me. I was NOT contacting him. Well, she done the same thing. She got her phone records printed off. She seen that I was in the right and she was in the wrong. She didn't show up for court. My ex husband and ex brother in law didn't show up for court either. February 14, 2005. I was found NOT GUILTY. I WON that b**tch! The prosecuting attorney at that time. Headed them off, because if they showed up for court. They would have been arrested. They lied on the police report. Well, I wanted all 3 locked up. I didn't give a f**k that she was pregnant. She lied on me, I wanted her in jail, periodT!

Okay let's slide back to January 21, 2005 right before court. This one is a doozie. My 31st birthday! I was in the local store that night. I got up the nerve to go out. I was in the candy section. Someone came up behind me, I seen in the corner of my eye. It was the Arkansas State Police. The hat can't forget that. More less he told me to get my a$$ back to my house and stay put. I put everything down, I left immediately. I got home. I ran to my door. It was around 7, I turned off all my lights set my ADT system. I slept in my daughter's room. I took 3 Tylenol PMs that night. I got up the next morning. I went back to the store to get some milk. I seen Big D, he looked right at me said, they didn't get their girl last night, huh? I was like hell no they didn't. The Arkansas State Police headed me off. I found out they were going to place 2 pounds of m3th in the trunk of my car on a traffic stop. Why? Because of the proof I had with the phone records. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 however my ex brother in law they got his girlfriend. Abandonment of a child at a store. She was all over the news. Their plan was for me on a Friday night and hers was on a Sunday. We both was supposed to be in the news however I didn't make the news. I walked a thin line until my court date. To this day I still hold guilt because I was saved and she wasn't. Some days I cry over that. I am crying right now. She was born in 84 and me 74 however I had more street smarts than her unfortunately. She lost her kids. In and out of jail. She was sucked into the system a horrible system to be exact.
I got a 2005 PT cruiser after that. He didn't have a set of those keys. Thank God!

From March 05 until November of 05.

I was still in hell. Everywhere I went cops were nearby. Total f**king hell!
I was fortunate tho. A couple, their house burned down they lost everything they had. I told them, let me take my personal stuff. I will sell them a furnished trailer. They bought everything gave money for the beds, couches etc. They bought the trailer. I moved my a$$ to Sherwood Arkansas very fast like. If I didn't, I would have been sucked in the system like MG. I am being truthful about that. On November 10, 2005. That was my first night there in Sherwood. I slept like a baby because I knew I had protection there. I felt safe and secure. I lived by a cop. I had the Arkansas State Police protection too.

When my ex left on January 21, 2004, he should have gone his way me the other way. I shouldn't have gone through that. If I had an erase button I would erase everything about him in a split second. I was single from 2004 to 2014. I got into a relationship. When I had my wreck I lost that in 2015. I have been in the depths of hell since then. Still in the depths of hell.

Now do y'all see why I am upset about my 2004 charges being used in 2018. This punk a$$ b*tch a$$ corrupted maggot that pressed charges on me in 2018. He closed everything out in 2004 and erased my 2005 trial. He made it disappear without a trace. That gutless coward spinless b*stard is NOT going to get away with this. I am going to expose every bit of this corruption like a boss with my head held high. Just watch me! The trauma and PTSD that I went through in 2004-2005. It will be a cold day in hell before I put up with that sh*t. I am on the road to justice! The whole wide world will know this story!

Now I understand why dad wasn't budging, he wasn't going to leave the courtroom without a statement on paper. I totally understand now. That is one corrupted court house in Arkansas. I am spitting facts 💯 he knew what they were about to do. Dad was protecting me! It so happened that my divorce lawyer was there too. She told me to NEVER get rid of the paperwork nor that statement. It will hold up court if needed. My dad told me the same thing. I have kept this paperwork for nearly 20 years now in a very safe place. 

Sorry, I couldn't go into deep detail because I am dealing with so much trauma right now. However, I skimmed through it, touch base where needed. Being slapped back in this time period has pissed me off! Over a corrupted maggot, I don't think so!

My paperwork consists of 3 sections.
1) trying to get help but the cops wouldn't help me. I can prove that. I started my paperwork when my ex husband and his cousin burned trash up above my trailer. My dad went through the trash. He found mail and the address, who it belong too. Dad was going to press charges on them if they didn't clean it up. Yup, trying to burn me out of my home....February 17, 2004 my paperwork began.
2) my divorce paperwork! I thought if I hurried my divorce my nightmare would end. Boy, I was wrong about that! 
3) the terroristic threatening charge, hate crime charge. I have all the paperwork on that. I have my statement from February 14, 2005. When I went to trial and WON! Name, signature, date, etc......I can prove all of this!

I am dealing with a sh*t ton of organized crime! This is a job for the Arkansas FBI to combat, periodT!

Let me state this, the Arkansas State Hospital diagnosed me with delusional disorder persecutory type. I will NEVER put up with that sh*t. Like my parents said. They were after you and they got you. Tina, you can prove that in court. That psychiatrist was and is, protecting the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. On his payroll. I've already been told that diagnosis will NEVER hold up in court. 2nd opinion that psychiatrist will have my paperwork from 2-17-04 to 3-1-22. New treatment team more less, thank God! Too many people are protecting the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 makes me sick! 

September 7, 2022

I have everyone involved by the balls in the state of Arkansas 💯

I have everyone involved by the balls in the state of Arkansas 💯

So how many people in this particular court house have they done this too? Lawyers or anyone can walk up into the court house close out cases to their liking, for their satisfaction. In another words to protect their a$$ when needed, doing underhanded work. Take a trial make it disappear without a trace. Have these people placed into the Arkansas State Hospital on false terms, false documentation? Basically false beliefs! In the county I had my wreck in, it's normal for them to put people in the Arkansas State Hospital to silence their voice it's common knowledge. I am one of those people. Talking about waste of tax payers dollars.

I have paperwork from 2-17-04 to 3-1-22 NOT one soul can get out of this cluster f**k in the state of Arkansas! I do have everyone involved by the balls that's a fact. That's 100% accurate! So I need to know how many Tina Graves are out there from the past, present and future. YOU know they are doing this to someone RIGHT NOW to someone else. Silencing their voice so they can't expose corruption more less organized crime 😤

Scare tactics and intimidation at its finest.
Like the paperwork I have NOW not one soul wants to talk to me or my parents. That speaks volumes on so many levels. Guilty consciences running a muck, there are a lot of those people. Clear minded people wouldn't hesitate to talk to me and parents if they have nothing to hide.

Talking about skeletons in the closets. Just wait til I lay all my skeletons on the table to the FBI of Arkansas. I am cleaning my closet out first so nothing can bite me on the a$$ later on. When I opened the can of worms 🪱 I am going to make sure I scatter every single one on that f**king table like a boss. I am NOT crazy! I am more intelligent than the ones that covered up my wreck in 2015 to be honest. My intelligence level is off the charts compared to the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. He is a dumb f**k, periodT. The audacity of him thinking I wouldn't have paperwork is beyond stupid!
He should be in jail for the rest of his life.
Everyone that have DESTROYED my life in the state of Arkansas consisting of bribes, etc. They ALL should be in jail, periodT!

See in 2015 he should have exposed this corruption. My pictures and witnesses points out that the police report was falsified. This is big time corruption that should have been exposed summer of 2015. Go to court, get my settlement, go on about my life.

No, it didn't happened that way. The business I hired to represent me took a pay off. The state troopers got promoted to bigger better paying jobs for falsifying the police report. The underage drunk driver that hit me got off scott free no punishment whatsoever!

I put this out here so many times. My life was ruined over the book I wrote, end of story. The county found a way to destroy my life and the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 gladly done it for them.

Here I am suffering from trauma and PTSD on forced retirement. I need stay on forced retirement until I fix my mental health. Yup, 7.7 billion people in the world will know about this corruption. I am on the road to justice, just watch me do it! 7 years this year going 8 years of unnecessary trauma I forced to endure that's okay. I will be exposing everyone involved in due time.

Like that Arkansas Democrat Gazette article. It was pulled down by the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. I believe that reporter was told to put that article back online. That article was linked back to the one who pressed charges on me business. That article PROVES that my life was destroyed deliberately. How come the one who pressed charges on me in 2018, didn't put me on the news (TV) since he was so scared. 4, 7, 11, and 16? Oh that's right, I could have gotten a legit lawyer and that lawyer could have made a slammed dunk in the court room with all the proof I have. Expose a sh*t ton of corruption. 

You know what makes me sick to my stomach. The state of ARKANSAS slapped me back into 2004-2005. All because a punk a$$ bitch a$$ corrupted maggot couldn't be caught in organized crime. Yes, the one that pressed charges on me in 2018. The trauma and PTSD that I endured at that time. It has came crashing down on me in the worst kind of way in 2022. Does anyone care? Why f**k no! As long as this corruption doesn't get brought to light in the public eye. Oh the reputations can't be smeared. What about mine? My life was deliberately destroyed on purpose. I am supposed to like it. Give me a f**king break. GTFOH with that sh*t! All these people that are involved can go straight to hell. I said what I said. My trauma is getting the best of me. So the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 and everyone involved can't get caught! The trauma I live with NOW. Everyone involved should be tarred and feathered at the state capital in the public eye!


(My mom's side of the family) this does NOT go out to ALL, the ones my mom have contact with NOT for them, fyi!

Dear f**king family,
(I bet when y'all get in court y'all talk. I'm sure of that. Tell the truth or go to jail)
I remember one family member saying this cover-up came straight from the top in 2015. The others telling me and my mom to our faces for months. There's NOT one thing you can do about this alcohol cover-up. My evidence will NEVER go into court. I beg the differ in 2022. Something will be done about it in due time. The family KNEW that the business that I hired to protect me they sold me out to protect 5 underage boys with alcohol. They got paid pretty good as I was told.
Cough*cough* school funds......
Mom and I wanted the police report corrected and this corruption exposed. See mom and I were living in a family based house. Family owned. Mom moved in March 1996 and she moved out or (we) moved out by March of 2016. Last day of  February to be exact in 2016. The family involved in this corruption cover-up. Kicked us out so we moved to Conway. We got kicked out because we wanted the police report corrected, that's right! Mom was 71 at that time. See, I had a family member involved in the wreck as well. 5 underage boys! Drinking all day long almost killed me. They got off scott free. Read my blog with (nutshell) in the title you will understand.
Those family members involved can go straight to hell. Let me tell ya now, they will talk in due time. The boys just got a 30 pack of beer that beer busted all over the highway when the wreck happened. Mom and a lot others told me that it smelt like a brewery coming up on the wreck. Beer smell all over the place. I can't wait for the day I sit court and hear them say the one person name that blocked my evidence out of court in the state of Arkansas. That's going to be a sweet to hear for sure. What has my mom done to the family? I want to know that answer. She was good to y'all nothing but good! Why? I can't help that I was born into a corrupted family but I will expose this in due time! 

Let me set the record straight!
The family chose the corruption route. They will have to deal with it, the family will NEVER be whole again.
5 underage boys with alcohol, drinking all day long (got off scott free) no kind of punishment whatsoever. So the boys lives couldn't be ruined nor their scholarships couldn't be taken away. So my life didn't matter at all to the family. This wreck was NOT my fault. My life is completely ruined. All me and mom wanted was my pictures, paperwork and witnesses in court. The state of ARKANSAS blocked me from getting JUSTICE! So the corrupted maggots couldn't get caught in organized crime nor their reputations get ruin.
 Organized crime is what I am dealing with. That's a job for the Arkansas FBI to combat. It's their job to appoint me in a lawyer too btw. This is definitely an FBI problem to fix! 

August 22, 2022

Rainwater Holt and Sexton is a corrupted law firm! Don't use them!


Be sure to read the bottom part. I finally put it on here. It's a must read!

FYI: the one who pressed charges on me in 2018, he isn't above the law nor superior. I wonder how many people he has silenced over the years like he did me? I bet there is a lot. He has a lot of people on his payroll to protect him, his partner, his business list goes on. Abuse of power, I don't think so! 

He closed out my 04 charges (December 17, 2004) so he could put a charge on me 2018. He erased my 2005 trial. He silenced my voice, he had me put in the Arkansas State Hospital illegally! All that has been done to me from 2018 to now it's been done illegally. I can prove this in court. He should be put in jail for the rest of his life. What he should have done in the first place do his job right in 2015. Expose the county that I had my wreck in and everyone involved. He had a lot of corruption to expose. He didn't, he took a bribe instead destroyed my life. I can prove all of this in court! My life was deliberately destroyed over a book I wrote smh

****When my 2004-2005 paperwork came into the picture. I could prove everything that happened in 2004-2005. It went silent no one wants to talk to me nor my parents.(Crickets) a lot of people has some explaining to do. Yes, a lot of people got bribes by protecting the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. If they didn't it would be immediate meeting set up no questions ask. A lot of evil people in the state of Arkansas. I have everyone involved by the balls. Now it's time to tell the truth. Come on and tell the truth! Just remember I am the ONLY one in Arkansas with this paperwork from 2004-2005, the ONLY one****

Arkansas online democrat gazette, yeah, that article linked back to his business. They might have removed the article online however I printed it off. That reporter will be questioned. Another one on his payroll.

My tweets and this blog tells nothing but the truth. A lot of people are in a quagmire and a lot people are going to have to start telling the TRUTH. It's time to air out the dirty laundry. What happened to my February 14, 2005, trial? 

Just remember life will let you get away with stuff for so long. You can do underhanded and corrupted stuff all day, all night. Remember when 'karma'  comes you gotta pay the price. 

To whom it may concern:

(Let me note: no one in the state of Arkansas doesn't want to sit down with me and my parents, now. Why? A lot of underhanded work is going on and a lot of corruption. I can prove this. A lot of people are in trouble. If people are innocent,  they would talk to me and my parents without hesitation. Set up a meeting and talk. The state of Arkansas silenced my voice for the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. The Arkansas State Hospital backed him up. I can prove this in court. It's very obvious what the state of Arkansas has done to me. I was silenced)

I will NEVER put up with my case being closed out on December 17, 2004. My February 14, 2005 trial disappeared without a trace however it will reappear on my record to show my innocence. This situation will NEVER be swept under the rug like it NEVER happened. The state of ARKANSAS silenced my voice 100%, why? 

I came into court to WIN on February 14, 2005. I f**king won. I have f**king proof. Y'all are some dumb f**ks thinking I didn't have my paperwork. Y'all might have gotten rid of my paperwork at the Courthouse. I still have every single piece of paperwork in my records to this day. My paperwork now starts February 17, 2004 to March 1, 2022.

My 2018 charges were solely based on my 2004 charges. I was found NOT GUILTY in 2005, I can 100% prove it. I was kept from knowing it. I will find out why! However I know why! I could have proved my Innocence in 2018 however the state of Arkansas silenced my voice for some corrupted maggots! Those corrupted maggots WILL BE EXPOSED!

So that means I was (falsely arrested) and I was illegally put in the (state hospital) WRONG diagnosis WRONG medication! These people based this on my 2004 charges. How come I wasn't notified? How come no one told me about this in the beginning? I had paperwork to prove my innocence. Habitual is all over my paperwork. No one can't get away with this. This will be discussed. Why did this happen in the first place? Most of all show me a direct threat ASSUMING will NOT work with me. I have been waiting 4 years, show me a direct threat. A NAME and the threat. Show me an actual name actual threat. They couldn't get anything concrete on me so therefore they used my 04 charges. (Not guilty, mental defect) that put me in the Arkansas State Hospital for 2 months 2 days. I was ONLY supposed be there for 30 days. Yup, the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 a lot of people are on his payroll. Tons of bribery needless to say. Where is the FBI on this? This is an FBI problem they have the access to figure it out! Bribery surrounds me so much it makes me sick! 

On my 2018 paperwork states (habitual) I will NEVER put up with that sh*t. I was cleared of those charges. Habitual is all over my beginning of the court paperwork then it went silent when the Arkansas State hospital took over. Why? 

I have a job to do now that God placed into my hands.

7 locations to be shut down 

A lot of state employees should be fired over this basically a lot of people will be fired and do some jail time, exposed. I was trying to tell people they didn't listen. How much money did y'all get? Delusional disorder persecutory type, I will NEVER put up with that. I have tons of paperwork to back up what I am saying. The person that diagnosed me they got paid real good. Why did this person do this to me? I know why!

No one, I mean no one, have my 2004 and 2005 paperwork make it disappear without a trace especially the trial. The trauma and PTSD that I endured at that time in 2004-2005. It will be a cold day in hell before I put up with that type of bullsh*t. I will walk back into a courtroom f**king win again. Just watch me. My 2-17-04 to 3-1-22 my paperwork will let me win. I have a story to tell by God I am going to tell it. My paperwork I have NOW is bada$$ nothing but the truth. 7.7 billion people in the world. They will KNOW my story!

I am taking my power back and reclaiming my life. I am going to expose this corruption to the fullest. I am going to expose everyone that has ruined my life from January 21, 2004 to present date.

Let me note again: I suffer from severe trauma and PTSD. Why did the state of Arkansas do this to my life? I addressed this on October 27, 2021 to my treatment team with the Arkansas State Hospital, they turned a blind eye to this corruption, why? I need to know answers to some serious questions! This is serious. My trial disappeared without a trace, why? I will NEVER LET THIS GO! This will be corrected and the state of Arkansas citizens will know about this story. I am going to make sure this doesn't happened again to someone else. This type of corruption ends at me. 


Let me put this out here too. The one who pressed charges on me in 2004. She helped the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. She got her niece involved. Let me tell you right now there's a lot of bribery involved in that situation around them. Her niece works for the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. I was told by what my dad found out by his lawyer. Affidavits were done. That's a sworn statement. The Affidavits surrounds the 04 charges. Okay, I was cleared of these charges on February 14, 2005. I can prove this. That's perjury! That's jail time. How come these 2 women done this to me? Why are they protected? When I asked for those affidavits I didn't get them. I was told those affidavits were sealed and it will take an act of congress to get them. It will take a higher power to retrieve them. The one who pressed charges on me in 04 had no business helping the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. I was told that her niece said, I would come into the office hurt people, if I wasn't stopped. I used to live down the road from that office unfortunately. She revolved this around the 04 charges and what her aunt said.

Let's talk about 2004. I got my phone records from January 21, 2004 to January 21, 2005. I proved that my X husband was the one who contacting me. I was not calling & texting him. The one who pressed charges on me in 2004, she done the same. She saw that I was telling the truth she lied on the police report. No one showed up for court on February 14, 2005. The judge done an automatic bench trial he made the decision. NOT GUILTY. He looked at my evidence and sided with me. He knew the other side was lying because no one showed up. 

Okay, my dad was not leaving the court room until a statement was placed on paper. Date, signature etc. Because dad knew how corrupted that court house is. He made sure they couldn't come back on me later on. The judge had someone to put it on paper we left. Then we got his bail money back. I have receipts on that too. 

One thing I am blessed to have is my 2004 and 2005 paperwork. I was told that alone will put an internal investigation on the court house. So much corruption resides there. 

These 2 women should have left 2004-2005 in 2004-2005. They are obsessed with me for some reason. I will find out why! There will be a special place in hell for those 2 women!

I am the ONLY one in Arkansas with the original paperwork. Something WILL BE done about this! The one who pressed charges on me in 2018 WILL NEVER use my 04 charges. He won't get away with this. He will be called out! 

I am going to put this on here too. I asked my public defender several times for the prosecution paperwork. No, no, no. So I video our conversation. I told him what I done. The next court date, I got every bit of the prosecution paperwork. The one thing that stood out was the affidavits. Affidavit one, the one who pressed charges on me in 2018  done the affidavit, then affidavit 2 repeat of 1 by the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. Why? Where are the real affidavits? I still have that video 📹 😂 


Oh, my article is back online. It shouldn't have been pulled down in the first place.
"If I didn't get my way"  how come that reporter didn't talk to me, I could've showed him my paperwork, pictures, list of witnesses that was blocked out of court within my 3 year statute of limitations of my wreck. I was blocked out of court, periodT. Why was I mad and on edge? I was running out of time. Why was this article, one sided?
Okay, like the prosecution they had tons of paperwork. Defense ZERO! How come my paperwork, pictures and witnesses couldn't be brought into court in 2018? Oh, that's right. The one who pressed charges on me in 2018 was protected by the state of Arkansas. The Arkansas State Hospital backed him up. Oh, is that where bribes came into the picture to protect this weak a$$ punk a$$ b*tch that pressed charges on me in 2018? I said what I said. Court in 2018-2019 was nothing but kangaroo court. It's very obvious to see. Give me a break!
I can prove in court 100% that the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 is protected by the state of Arkansas. In due time this will break out into court and the news media. Let's see who is going to stop me. My social media is timed stamped. My paperwork  from 2-17-04 to 3-1-22 is time stamped. No one can't get out of this.
This is a one sided story. I am 100% silenced by the state of Arkansas. I can 100% prove it. Where did my February 14, 2005 trial go? That's right the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 erased my 2005 trial to put a charge on me in 2018. He silenced my voice. Oh by the way, I had lawyers tell me in 2015, 2016, 2017. I was told they were threatened and if they take my case put my evidence in court. They will be ran out of Arkansas.
(My dad found this out too. He went digging to find out why)
One lawyer told me this is why he couldn't do it. 3 lawyers disbarred. A business shut down. The county that I had my wreck in. All the corruption that surrounds that county would come to light. The ones that were involved in the alcohol cover up the day of my wreck. Would most likely do jail time. Very exposed!
It's organized crime and it's a lot of corruption to be exposed.
So let's ruin Tina's life instead 🤬 I don't f**king think so. No, my life will be straightened back out in due time. 18 years going on 19, years taken away from me and I can't get it back. Thank God for my 2004-2005 paperwork that I saved. It's all legal too, no one can't get out of this situation! Something will be done about this situation!!!!!!

The state of ARKANSAS took away my civil rights 100% took them away. I could NEVER have a jury trial. Because the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 couldn't be exposed over this organized crime. He is doing this right now to someone else. Stopping people in their tracks to expose corruption. This has got to stop. Corruption should be exposed and make sure it doesn't happened again to someone else in Arkansas. 


Let's talk about my time in jail, I need to talk about this also. 3-16-18
Okay, I was kept from my parents for 5 days straight. On my first day in jail, they came up but they couldn't see me until the next visitation which was on that Monday. However they put money on my book so I could call them. The jail DID NOT put that money on my book not one time while I was in jail. Mom, demanded that money back when I got released. The jail kept me from calling my parents. Okay they came up on Monday. The jail wouldn't let them see me. The jail 100% kept my parents from me. Okay, in the meantime my mom got my insurance check in the mail. She wanted me to know in person. She knew I was going to give her the check because she was 20 grand in the hole. Her life was destroyed like mine. She went through the same sh*t show as I did. My life was already ruined so I gave it to her so her life couldn't be ruined anymore. She was 73 at that time. Okay, the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 sent one of his workers to jail to see me. Okay, I forced to sign paperwork in jail for the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. If I didn't sign it, I would be in jail for a long time. See, the one who pressed charges on me in 2018 broke contact order. He signed paperwork with his name on it. He knew mom had that check, he was trying to get out of what he did. All I am going to say about this paperwork. How in the hell, am I suppose to represent myself in court? My nerves were shot! I had bad nerves. I failed my June 5, 2018 mental evaluation. Because what I have been through. How in the hell was I suppose represent myself in court in September of 2018? I couldn't. The one who pressed charges on me in 2018 was grasping for straws. He is grasping now in 2022. He was the one who got rid of my 2-14-05 trial. He thought I didn't have paperwork. He sure is a stupid motherf**ker! PeriodT! Then the Arkansas State Hospital backing him up. The ones involved at the Arkansas State Hospital should do about 20 years in prison. Just remember, I have every bit of that paperwork too from 2018 in jail. Ignorance is bliss, in the state of Arkansas. I am surrounded by idiots that doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Let me note this, every public defender protected the one who pressed charges on me in 2018. They defended him NOT me. The last public defender was born and raised in the county I had my wreck in. That's conflict of interest. He ignored that. So he could relay messages back to the ones who was involved in this cluster f**k. When, I say the state of Arkansas silenced my voice. I mean that 100%

When it's time to prosecute every f**king one of these sorry a$$ son of a b*tches. I am going to give the defense run for their money. I want to see an actual direct threat and someone is going to produce my f**king paperwork from 2004-2005 especially the trial. 7.7 billion people in the world they will know about this story. 

November 15, 2017

Rainwater Holt and Sexton (Review)


Here is my linktree: to all my social media platforms except MySpace, start year (2008) //Hackedandlovinit74// is archived maybe I'll update it one day (add) it. Who knows. Go on Twitter, my link is there too.
I've been on social media since, August 13, 2006 via MySpace. My 1st MySpace page got hacked/deleted in 2008. 


Let me note:
Mike Rainwater and his protectors has a air tight choke hold on my voice. Because Mike Rainwater has a lot to hide that's why he has stopped the news reporters from talking to me and my mother. Who in Arkansas is allowing this to happen? This should be answered in court. My rights have been stripped from me. I have no say so whatsoever and I have solid proof concrete evidence to prove what I am saying. My voice has been silenced.

In another words to get the news media involved. I have to do something really really bad and against the law. That's the only way to get the media involved.
I can't do something peaceful to get the news media involved because Mike Rainwater and his protectors have silenced my voice. This is ridiculous!
Let me tell you right now, I will do what I have to do to get the news media involved and to get a lawyer. I promise you that much. I'll will do what I have to do!!!

I was told that it will be dooms day for
Mike Rainwater
Bob Sexton
John Rainwater
The AR state police
Mike Smith the sheriff of Conway County AR
The day a news reporter sits down with you and your mother. I can literally prove everything that I am saying. Someone in a very high position in Arkansas is stopping the news media. I need to know who it is. I am to the point and assuming it's the attorney general. I've been told it's her. However I need to find out the truth. Someone very powerful in Arkansas silenced my voice. I want to know who is keeping me and my evidence out of court in the state of Arkansas. I have solid proof concrete evidence and no one can't be charged and punished. Who is stopping me?

I finally got a letter from the FBI in Little Rock Arkansas. That letter wasn't signed by anyone to dispute it. This letter I got from the FBI in Little Rock AR on December 7th it's a 'wasn't me' type letter. They will throw their hands up and say I don't know how the letter got typed up and sent. That letter I have in my hands now.

The FBI in Little Rock AR are protecting
Mike Rainwater
Bob Sexton
John Rainwater
The Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm

The Arkansas State Police

Mike Smith the sheriff of Conway County AR.

They are protecting them to the fullest. I was told I need a lawyer like RIGHT NOW because of that letter. However the FBI in Little Rock AR they KNOW I am blocked from hiring a lawyer too. I was told with a lawyer you can find out who typed that letter up. As it stands you won't be able to find out because this is another run around letter. I was told Washington DC can plow into these people now. The proof you have now as it stands on December 8th very very very explosive. The FBI in Little Rock AR didn't sign any names. The attorney general didn't sign her name on her letter that was sent. No one is signing names that's a big ass red flag. They are dragging this out until 3-24-18. I was told you have to have a lawyer to sign in before 3-24-15 to 3-24-18 get his signature on the paperwork. This person told me this is the reason why I can't have a lawyer in AR.

1) your emails are going to get Mike Rainwater, John Rainwater, Bob Sexton in a lot of trouble. Your emails seals the deal. You proved of ALCOHOL, SPEEDING, AND RECKLESS DRIVING on May 28, 2015. They dropped you knowing that the police report was falsified from one end to another. They withheld your evidence for 5 months. You can prove via paperwork and pictures that Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm didn't do one thing for you April 6 to October 28 2015. What the law firm did was blow smoke up my ass. Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm are in big time trouble serious trouble over your emails. The FBI in Little Rock AR backing them and protecting them.

2) the driver they don't want the driver unmask in the court room. Who was really driving the truck on 3-24-15? They don't want this driver be charged with
Alcohol possession
Reckless driving
I have solid proof concrete evidence to charge him. I can't. Why??????
They have a blanket over him and it's air tight so he can't and won't be charged. The dates 3-24-15 to 3-24-18. They made it where he can't be charged whatsoever. His identity is being highly protected. He is being protected by the FBI in Little Rock AR too.

3) the Arkansas state police is highly protected too. Its obvious to see. You have too much evidence and being blocked out of court. Someone should have to answer to that.  To me it should be the governor.

I was told all you need is a good news reporter to sit down with you and your mom. Let them look at your evidence and let them see it for themselves. The news reporter should
listen to you and your mom however.....

Mike Rainwater
The captain of the AR state police
Mike Smith the sheriff of Conway County AR

They have the news reporters blocked. They don't want a news reporter to sit down with me and my mother. What a news reporter should say if you don't have anything to hide. I should be able to sit down with Tina and Freda get their side of the story. A news reporter should say to them if you have something to hide. I need to talk to Tina and Freda immediately. To figure out why she's so angry on the internet. These people have a lot to hide and that's why they silenced my voice at all cost. They don't want anyone around me or my mother to talk directly to us.

I was told the right news reporter will run with this story and get it out in the media outlet immediately. This is a scandal once the news reporter sits down and look at your stuff and listen to you and your mom. That news reporter can lead you to the right lawyer. I was told with my evidence this will be over with quick in the court room. I was told this is a very easy case this story should be in news media as soon as possible. This is a true scandal they are trying to keep it out of the news until 3-24-18. The state of Arkansas has Tina Ann Graves in a choke hold a very major choke hold to be exact. I was told I am 100% silenced. They don't want anyone around you or your mother. A news reporter should see the horror that mom and I have had to live through the past 32 months. They will see the horror in our eyes and in our voice. I have solid proof concrete evidence I am denied a lawyer in AR because of reputations. These people decided to cover up the ALCOHOL now they need to be punished for it.

In my eyes the FBI in Little Rock AR support and protects people who are involved in for an example 'murder cover ups' I can say that because it's in my paperwork. This is disgusting and dehumanizing that the FBI in Little Rock AR protects scumbags like that. It makes me sick!

ATTENTION once again 12-4-2017

The collusion of Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm with my case is:
(1) conflict of interest
RHS law firm are the lawyers for the Arkansas state police and Conway County AR cops and County officials.

2) misrepresentation
RHS law firm protected 5 boys in possession of ALCOHOL and the AR state police NOT their client (ME)

3) withholding evidence
I presented pictures and witnesses on 5-28-2015 via emails they didn't do one thing for me. I proved that day of ALCOHOL, SPEEDING AND RECKLESS DRIVING! I 100% proved it. RHS law firm cut my throat instead. Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm can't get out of the pictures or my emails there's no way. That's solid proof concrete evidence.

4) obstruction of justice
When they dropped my case on 10-28-15 they permanently blocked me out of court and my evidence. No lawyer in AR will represent me or get my evidence in court. Some can take my case but my evidence has got to stay out of the court room. Why???? I have solid proof concrete evidence it will stick in court. I can prove everything I am saying 100% in court.

My emails shows and proves that I was begging and pleading for help but RHS law firm didn't listen to me they destroyed my life instead. I was told my emails are damaging. The emails put them on the aiding and abetting, accessory to crime side charge of it. I proved 100% of ALCOHOL and my police report is falsified from one end to another 5-28-2015. My emails proves that they protected 5 underage boys in possession of ALCOHOL and the AR state police. Not their client Tina Graves!
The Governor
Attorney General
LT governor
Of Arkansas know what they did to me still protecting them tho. So RHS law firm can still screw people over when protection takes place for the other side. How disgusting is that? RHS law firm is a corrupted law firm and this story should  be exposed immediately on the news. A lawyer should take this case on.

The driver of the truck
The driver is highly protected straight at the top.
They are making sure the underage driver in possession of ALCOHOL he does not get charged.
I can prove via pictures and witnesses too!
Possession of ALCOHOL
Reckless driving
My pictures proves that the police report is falsified from one end to another. However the driver can't be charged. Who was really driving the truck on 3-24-15? They don't want that to be unmask in the court of law. The driver of the truck its like 'top secret' stuff he can't be exposed whatsoever in the court room. If indeed my cousin was driving the truck on 3-24-15 this will definitely be a 'family SCANDAL' this is already a state wide scandal. That's why I need all 5 boys sworn under oath to find out the truth. The family can't be repaired however if my cousin was the one driving now mom and I understand the dead silence within the family. Covering up alcohol at a wreck scene thinking its okay to do so. Well, this will be an unforgivable situation that's a given. Mom and I our lives have been destroyed so 5 underage boys in possession of ALCOHOL could NOT get into trouble and 2 AR state troopers couldn't get into trouble too by falsifying a police report.  Who told the AR state troopers to falsify the police report I need to find this out in court. This is a true scandal 100% SCANDAL!

The news media of Arkansas is banned too. They KNOW this is corruption but they are protecting Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm at all cost. I have an email, they sided in with the firm. This is state wide corruption I am dealing with. I was also told Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's doesn't want mom and I on the news because that's going to open the door for other people that has been screwed over by them to come forward via phone calls. They have went through the same crap that I am going through. More horror stories to be told. The firm wants me out of the media so their skeletons can't fall out of the closet. Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm silenced me 100%.

The call on 11-30-17
My mom's phone call by a special agent (FBI) from Conway County AR. Anything that comes from Conway County AR is corrupted and tainted at this point in time with this case.
He wants to talk to me he will have to appoint in a lawyer and he knows that I am blocked from hiring a lawyer too. I ain't talking until I get a lawyer. When I get a lawyer we will talk all day long.

That phone call on my mom's phone stems back to the parents and family involved and local police and the judge too. All the ones involved in Conway County basically and obviously they are running scared.
What that call was about, in another words, jerk a knot in my tail to shut me up on my social media, my freedom of speech. I am trying to get help here in Arkansas.  I am NOT a stupid person okay.

Say he came over no lawyer involved, his motive was to piss me off then arrest me. Then I would have came up dead because they don't want this driver unmask in court or what RHS law firm has done to me. These people would kill me in a New York minute AND GET AWAY WITH IT TOO. I was told once my evidence goes into court everybody is going down they are in big time trouble. This was a silence type situation that happened to me a few days ago.  Let me tell you now if Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm is involved with this shignagian on 11-30-17,  I am going to make sure they are shut down. I will be going the distance. This is corruption I have every right to expose this they are NOT GOING TO DRAG THIS OUT UNTIL 3-24-18 its all about the statute of limitations with my case. So the driver and the law firm get off scott free after destroying my life for 3 years. Do you see any of these people taking up for themselves? No you don't, I hold the TRUTH in my hands and they all know it. I suppose killing me will get rid of the problem. However that's going to make it worse on them. Ignorance is bliss in Arkansas. I need up to 40 ppl sworn under oath that's when the truth will come out. My pictures proves 100% that this is a cover up no one can't get out of my pictures. What this boils down too is protection of Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm making sure these lawyer's doesn't get disbarred and the law firm stays open. So they can continue their corruptive organization when the need arises for protection for the other side this is nothing but the truth. Do you see Mike Rainwater, Bob Sexton and John Rainwater taking up for themselves? No you don't. I can throw down the emails, pictures and witnesses. Why didn't this law firm protect me on 5-28-2015 when I gave them solid proof concrete evidence of ALCOHOL and 100% showed them that the police report was falsified from one end to another. Why did they protect 5 underage boys and the AR state police? This should be answered in court! These Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's can't get out of this quagmire my pictures and evidence won't let them. They need to be put in jail for destroying 2 lives. I have no pity on these lawyers they need to be punished to the full extent of the law.

Attention this was told to me, this is so true.

Why Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's
Mike Rainwater
Bob Sexton
John Rainwater
Blocked me out of court in the state of Arkansas. It's over my emails, my emails are my solid proof besides my 35 pictures list of witnesses proves that Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm KNEW about the ALCOHOL cover up from the get go. You were begging and pleading with them then it turned into anger and rage because they wouldn't help you  they were dragging your case out until I gave up took whatever money was offered.
John Rainwater
Mike Rainwater
Took orders from the sheriff and this courts appeal judge. They are ones that didn't want the ALCOHOL on the police report at all.
Yes, Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm deliberately destroyed your life ON PURPOSE for Conway County AR and the Arkansas state police. You can prove all of this in court but Mike Rainwater has you 100% blocked out of court because he doesn't want any of your evidence in court he doesn't want this situation EXPOSED at all in the state of Arkansas. He shut down all news reporters too.
Once my evidence goes into court these 3 lawyers will be disbarred immediately because they KNEW about the ALCOHOL cover up they dropped your case anyways had you blocked out of court until 3-24-18. She said, Tina you can prove all of this in court with all your evidence which is a lot.
This is NOT the first time Mike Rainwater has destroyed a life for the other side. It will continue if it doesn't stop at you. The best move I made was getting Washington DC involved because they know
The Governor
Attorney General
LT governor
Are protecting the Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's and the firm.
This is a HUGE SCANDAL this story should be on the news but they are stopped too.
Once my evidence goes into court
Lawyer's and judges involved will be disbarred
The sheriff and the 2 AR state troopers
Parents and part of your family exposed.
Everyone that is involved will be exposed and their faces will be on TV internet papers etc. This is a big time story that should be brought to light.
This is the worst that she seen Mike Rainwater do to a client absolutely the worst. He should do some time in jail she said to me. She said, that
The Governor
Attorney General
LT governor
Should do what is right, get you a lawyer because you have more than enough evidence to expose everything in court. They might lose their jobs if they don't help you. This is a scandal this needs media attention to let others know what happened to you and your mother. This is serious covering up alcohol is definitely a crime. This type of beat down shouldn't happen again in the state of Arkansas. This is brutal being stomped into the ground. It changes a person. Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's withheld my solid proof concrete evidence for 5 months then dropped my case then kept my evidence out of court. These 3 lawyers need to be disbarred as soon as possible so they can't ruin another person's life in Arkansas.

What really makes me mad, Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm advertise on the daily and lure people in with deceit and lies. They are a bait and switch law firm and punish for profit lawyers too. I went by reviews and commercials. My life is completely ruined and I will NEVER recover from this kind of torture. These lawyer's that are involved in this alcohol cover up are scumbags they need to be in PRISON!

People that I have asked for help in Arkansas.

Lawyer's in Arkansas can't get my evidence in court.
Judges in Arkansas none will favor for me or my evidence.
FBI they won't help
Arkansas Supreme Court Judges won't help.
The Governor and LT governor won't help
Arkansas attorney general won't help
The news media 4, 7, 11 and 16 won't help
Legal aid and ACLU won't help me

*****No one will help me to get my evidence in court!
I have 35 pictures that proves that the police report is falsified from one end to another. Alcohol was not mentioned on the police report. That's NOT my police report.
List of witnesses that seen and smelt the beer, one seen a sobriety test done. Alcohol was not mentioned on the police report.
I have emails begging and pleading for help going on 3 years now.
I have tons of paperwork to show I have been trying to hire a lawyer but no one will help me.
I need these
5 boys sworn under oath
2 state troopers sworn under oath
Parents sworn under oath
Family members sworn under oath
These 3 Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's sworn under oath
I need my witnesses sworn under oath
I need a lot of people sworn under oath
Who bought the beer?
Who was driving the truck?
The boys need to be asked tough questions under oath.
However no one will help me in Arkansas. This is crazy,  this is racketeering and organized crime at its finest in Arkansas*****

This is the reason:
It doesn't matter how many lawyers and judges in the state of Arkansas are withholding, blocking, my evidence out of court. They are all obstructing justice and committing a felony against me. That also includes the attorney general because she is the chief lawyer of Arkansas. Everything goes back to the Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's, Mike Rainwater, John Rainwater and Bob Sexton who had my case and my evidence in their hands and withheld it out of court anyway. They are the first 3 lawyers to withhold, block my evidence out of court. The rest of the lawyers then followed the leaders. The Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's had already told my mom and me to our faces that NOT one judge in Arkansas would favor for me or my evidence if I did get it into court. On October 28, 2015 the day they dropped my case, so I already knew all the judges would be against me. Every lawyer and every judge in the state of Arkansas, who are withholding, blocking, my evidence out of court are obstructing justice and preventing me from getting JUSTICE that I wholeheartedly deserve. Everyone of these lawyers and judges are violating the constitutional law that says the civil rights of the citizens of the United States should be protected. My civil rights have NOT been protected by these lawyers and judges. These lawyer's and judges are responsible for taking my civil rights away from me. Lawyers and judges or anyone else who is obstructing justice against any citizen of the United States should be charged with a felony and punished by law.
Felony charges should start with the Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm lawyer's who had my case and my evidence DID NOTHING to represent me cut my throat instead. They had my case for 7 months, then dropped it BLOCKED me out of court in Arkansas. Rainwater Holt and Sexton law firm protected the Arkansas State Police and Conway County AR, I can prove that in the court of law.

Why I am NOT entitled to a lawyer in AR it will fall back on on
Mike Rainwater
Bob Sexton
John Rainwater
Mike Smith
This courts appeal judge
These people should be put in prison immediately. They are crooks and criminals I can prove this in the court of law. How many lives have been DESTROYED before me and after me? This should  to stop NOW not later.

For some reason the driver these people are making sure he isn't charged with
Alcohol possession
Reckless driving
Who was really driving that truck on 3-24-15? I need these 5 boys sworn under oath to tell the truth nothing but the truth so help them GOD.

5 underage boys in possession of ALCOHOL no sobriety tests (its marked NO on the police report)  no alcohol charge, no nothing, got off scott free. I don't think so! I have solid proof concrete evidence of ALCOHOL at the wreck scene this WILL BE CORRECTED in the court of law and WILL BE EXPOSED in the headlines. If I have to make bloody moves soon, so be it. I'll get justice one way or another.